Saturday, October 10, 2020

 Types of Rainfall

bsc banking services chronicle we can see that the meteorologists generally classify rainfall into the different categories in this the first one is Convectional or Convective Rainfall   here the rain which is caused by the process of convection in the atmosphere in know as convectional air fall when the surface layers of the atmosphere are heated the moisture laden air rises in convection current  where the moist gets heated by which the air expands its density falls and it rises conventionally. bsc banking services chronicle It is thereby cooled adiabatically and its temperature falls below the dew point which forms clouds such clouds are generally of cumulonimbus type that generate heavy rainfall. This type of rainfall  generally occur throughout the year in the equatorial region where high temperature and high humidity produce conventional currents.  Rainfalls of such type is also associated with the cold form of an unstable polar air mass, cloud burst and thunderstorms specially in the monsoon regions bsc banking services chronicle.

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