Sunday, February 28, 2021

banking services chronicle online test series

 banking services chronicle online test series

bankingservices chronicle online test series PublishedAgriculture continues to be the backbone of the states economy. Majority of The population is dependant on it as the national sample survey organisation (nsso) survey of 2012-13 indicates that farm income has doubled as compared To the survey of 2002-03. State government has intensified the efforts to enhance Farmers income with sustainable agricultural practices by promoting efficient Extension and production technology post harvest solutions effective value Addition and remunerative market options. The state government provides health insurance coverage of 1.00 lakh to 5 Members of every farming community under bijukrushakkalyanyojana. The state has emerged as the largest producer of sweet potato in the country Contributing 30 per cent of total national production and third largest state in Production of cashew. Odisha has also emerged as a leading supplier of mango Graft in the country by enhancing production from 23.85 lakh to 54.56 lakh. In Last five years 19 new cold stores with capacity 85200 mt have been Established. A special programme for augmentation of production processing And marketing of tomato onion and potato has been initiated during 2018-19for more subscribe how to subscribe banking services chronicle magazine.

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