Saturday, July 24, 2021

World focus magazine in English

 World focus magazine in English

World focus magazine in English published this article page no 13 incrementally but noticeably the united states is shedding its democracy hard-won civil liberties are willingly sacrificed for the sake of illusory added security institutions are stacked with political partisan appointees who do their puppetmasters bidding laws are openly broken and the constitution flaunted with breathtaking callousness and an ease that would have been considered unthinkable on september 10 2001 i wouldnt be surprised if the forthcoming presidential elections are suspended due to this perpetual state of emergency largely ignorant of history and thus devoid of any meaningful or helpful perspective people shrug off this doomsday scenario they forget that rome - a four hundred years old republic with venerable institutions like the roman senate - gave in to tyranny in the space of four years the same goes for ancient athens the first truly participatory democracy on earth transformed by wars into a hideous dictatorship americas is a malignantly narcissistic culture its denizens believe counterfactually that it is the richest most virtuous freest society on earth reasonably they are convinced that everyone is destructively envious of them this renders them paranoid and violent an early and observant traveler alexis de tocqueville noted this siege mentality and warned that the united states is walking a thin line between freedom and authoritarianism it is this ingrained belief that the world is hostile and harsh that will likely undo the american experiment psychology teaches us about projective identification - a defense mechanism that forces people around you to behave the way you are accustomed and expect them to treating everyone as a potential enemy usually turns them into ones world focus magazine subscription.

 World focus magazine in English

Arihant current affairs magazine

 Arihant current affairs magazine

Arihant current affairs magazine published this article page no 18 tired of paying too much in taxes while your government continues to waste your hard-earned money and not listen to what you want do something about it says a provocative new website working to give the power back to the people voter powerusacom says there are four simple things you can do to take back your government from corporate lobbyists special interest groups and dishonest politicians 1 unite and vote in a two- party system only one side can win but no matter who wins nothing changes by voting together on major issues at voter powerusacom both parties can win no matter whos elected you win by getting both candidates to commit to what you want there are many issues to vote on an affordable national health care and prescription drug plan that cuts costs for all americans illegal immigration government waste unfair taxes identity theft and many others 2 spread the word forward the website to everyone you know and tell them to do the same 3 support voterpowerusacom with a donation to keep you informed on what experts say about the issues and help produce a tv show based on helping you get what you need you can also purchase get out the vote apparel cds books souvenirs and many other items 4 vote out politicians who vote against what you want this sends a clear message that you will hold them accountable for their actions dont you think its time arihant current affairs magazine subscription.

 Arihant current affairs magazine

Thursday, July 22, 2021

banking services chronicle daily current affairs

 banking services chronicle daily current affairs

banking services chronicle daily current affairs published this article America was isolationist and England could not do the job alone because Nazi Germany had become too powerful by the time Churchill had achieved political control of England. We have seen many atrocious people ascend to power in various countries. A few examples are Stalin in Russia Pol Pot in Cambodia and Idi Amin in Uganda. The list of atrocious dictators is a long one but Id like to focus on Saddam Hussein because he is our creation in the sense that we trained him armed him and even supported him against his enemies in the mistaken belief that he would remain our boy. By the time our government understood that big mistake it was too late and we have paid dearly for our governments mistake. The invoice for our cost is still mounting and our soldiers are still dying in a foreign land. There is an answer to the problem of stopping evil on Earth from getting out of control and the answer does NOT involve having America police the world. Why should the American people pay the cost for having a world police force The cost of our military might is in the trillions and the debt affects our daily lives by increasing our cost of living dramatically. The reality is that evil must be resisted and overcome the very moment it first manifests itself before its power grows and becomes unmanageable. But the responsibility for dealing with planetary evil should not rest on the United States alone. An emasculated body already exists whose proper job it should have been to assume that responsibility. Im talking about the United Nations and Im suggesting the creation of a United Nations Rapid Strike Force which should possess the best weapons technology and training possible. Its not too late to reinvest the United Nations with the power the authority and the freedom to act without being stopped in the Security Council by one major power and Im suggesting that the United Nations Charter be revised to give it the power to act on the basis of majority rule in the General Assembly. A majority vote in the General Assembly is the truly democratic method of reaching an appropriate decision to send in the Rapid Strike Force. Consider how many lives have been lost in the 20th century wars against evil governments that expanded their destructive power outside their own borders. We must understand that somebody needs to stop these governments whenever they wreak havoc on their own people not only because terror is WRONG but also because massive governmental cruelty is the warning sign that an evil government is in the process of expanding its power. We should not wait until a country like Iraq becomes dangerous outside its borders. By the time that happens a war legal or undeclared is necessary and too many lives are lost. Its no longer practical for us to believe that individual countries have an inherent right to do anything they want to do within their own borders. Even the smallest atrocious government can endanger the world if they are able to develop nuclear weapons. They can even buy or steal nuclear bombs. I believe that whenever terror and torture become methods of governing the concept of territorial autonomy needs to be abrogated  if not in the name of human rights then it should be done for our own protection. A United Nations Rapid Strike Force is the answer because the window of opportunity to eliminate an atrocious government without excessive expenditure of lives occurs during the beginning of the governments expansion of power and that window is only open for a short period of time. The idea is to blitzkrieg evil before it gets a chance to blitzkrieg us. Of course I realize that America would have to release some of its power and accept the possibility that a decision could be implemented with which America would not agree. But that would be a small price to pay in order to save thousands or even millions of American lives. That would also be a small price to pay to get out from under the crushing debt that has been and is being incurred for maintaining the gigantic military force that Americans believe is justified in order protect ourselves and to police the world. I believe that it is the responsibility of the world to police itself. If youve gotten this far in your reading and you agree that my idea has merit please write to your representative in Congress. That would make me feel much better about being destitute and completely unknown. banking services chronicle daily current affairs

banking services chronicle e magazine

 banking services chronicle e magazine

banking services chronicle e magazine Published this article page no   DETROIT  The last semblance of broad public support for President George W. Bush is the diminishing number of Americans who continue to believe his administration does a good job with national security. Bush makes me feel safer they foolishly proclaim. Those who advance just slightly beyond their visceral emotions and think at all are arriving at an inescapable conclusion George W. Bushs policies fail to protect us and his approach to national security is a disaster. The testimony and evidence for that conclusion comes not from the Democrats the left pacifists or antiimperialists but rather from seasoned military people and national security experts who served in the administrations of Bush the Elder and his impetuous reckless son Bush the Lesser. We already know from former White House terrorism czar Richard Clarke and former treasury secretary and National Security Council member Paul ONeill how Bush wanted to use the Sept. 11 attacks as the pretext to invade Iraq. We know from them that Bush was fixated on Saddam Hussein and would willfully meld him into the terrorists who struck the United States although not a scrap of evidence supported that great lie for the ages. Up until now Clarke and ONeill were the only insiders with the honesty and courage to publicly reveal how Bush the puppet and his radical neocon stringpullers would use Sept. 11 to carry out their longestablished goal of attacking Iraq. They wanted to control the oil and have a strategic military presence in the Middle East. In their most pixilated moments they actually claimed the aggression would help plant democracy in the region and make Israel more secure. Lawrence Wilkerson is a retired U.S. Army colonel and Vietnam veteran who once served as deputy director of the U.S. Marine Corps War College. After his military service he went to work for Colin Powell serving as his chief of staff from August 2001 through the end of Bushs first term. Wilkerson had a frontrow seat and what he saw was narrowness and secrecy in the decisionmaking process controlled by Vice President Dick Cheney Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and their operatives. They successfully cut off others from whatever they were plotting. The deliberate decision to keep others in the dark courted disaster Wilkerson said. He made his remarks in a speech last week before the New American Foundation a think tank. Wilkerson who worked for Powell for 16 years at the Pentagon and State Department said his former boss was not happy with his decision to speak out and tell the American people about his profound concerns. banking services chronicle e magazine

banking services chronicle december 2020 pdf

 banking services chronicle december 2020 pdf

banking services chronicle december 2020 pdf published this article Powell ever the loyal soldier is a diminished citizen for his refusal to tell the chilling truths he knows about the madness of George W. Bush and his gang. In the best light Powell may think speaking the truth will make the world even more dangerous and make the nation even weaker than Bush has. In the worst light Powell is trying to protect the value of his book deal and his own reputation from the public exposure of the horrible decisions he joined in and the lies he helped propagate. Wilkerson has no similar motives. He praised President Bush  the Elder that is. He said George H.W. Bush is one of the finest presidents we have ever had and knew how to make foreign policy work. The current president Wilkerson said is not versed in international relations and not much interested in them either. Thats certainly why George W. Bush is content with an arrangement that allows him to focus on issues like establishing the religious right as the state religion promoting cronies for high office and doing the bidding of his corporate sponsors and the National Rifle Association. Delegating these foreign policy matters also serves Bushs personal pleasure allowing him ample time to relax at his ranch clear brush play video games and watch sports on TV. International relations would be the exclusive domain of Lord Halliburton and Field Marshall Donald Rumsfeld. Career military and government people national security staffers and the State Department play no role in the isolated decisionmaking. Just two voices always in harmony would sing the tune that becomes U.S. policy. They let the president know what they have decided but his participation is never really needed or wanted. What the hell does he know anyhow Congress has enacted laws that prescribe how the Defense Department State Department National Security Council and other agencies are to perform and interact to assure some uniformity and continuity in these important relationships and a decisionmaking process subject to review and oversight. Cheney and Rumsfeld will have no part of that system. Wilkerson saw dysfunction within the administration and an organization that is essentially outside conventional government and rules. I have never seen in my studies of aberration bastardizations changes to the national security process what I saw. It was a cabal between the Vice President of the United States Richard Cheney and the Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld on critical issues that made decisions that the bureaucracy did not know were being made Wilkerson said. Confusion and chaos resulted Wilkerson observed and then when the bureaucracy was presented with these decisions and carried them out it was presented in such a disjointed incredible way that the bureaucracy often didnt know what it was doing as it moved to carry them out. But heres where the National Security Council is supposed to take charge sort through the confusion coordinate the work and make sense out of the decisions. That responsibility is enshrined in law. But not with Condoleezza Rice running the show. Rice the vastly overrated professional sycophant didnt do her job but spent her time telling Bush everything was hunkydory. She was part of the problem Wilkerson said adding that she would side with the president to build her intimacy with the president. Rices private ploys harmed public welfare. What I saw was an extremely weak national security adviser Wilkerson said. That calculated ambitious weakness landed Rice the secretary of states job with the blessings of Cheney and Rumsfeld who knew she would continue to enable their cabal. The State Department offered its resources and expertise to plan what would be done in Iraq following the invasion. The department traditionally handled those situations and had experienced people to step in and do the job. But Cheney and Rumsfeld told Powell he could keep his people and plans at home. They would handle everything through their man Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith. banking services chronicle december 2020 pdf

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

banking services chronicle magazine pdf

 banking services chronicle magazine pdf 

bankingservices chronicle magazine pdf Published this article page no   In the US we should be pretty aware that the outcome of our elections are largely influenced by how much money each candidate can raise. Whoever can raise the most money has the most chance of swaying the uninformed swing voter or hiring the best advisor that can dice the polls to figure out which issues will give them the slight majority. Politics becomes about raising money. Every time I heard desperate pleas for money from politicians I wonder what do you need my money for To buy back public airwaves from the people we licensed them to To pay even higher priced consultants to slice and dice the polls I thought I voted with my vote not my dollars. What about those that dont have dollars Seems to me they have much less of a vote in this democracy. Hell if you have enough money you can just fund your own campaign al. la. Ross Perot. Not exactly equal opportunity. == Its morally wrong for politicians to accept money from people. Period. == I feel it is morally wrong for elected officials to accept money that isnt their salary. When an elected official accepts money from someone any human is going to feel obliged to treat this person differently than the person that has contributed nothing. Its common courtesy. But this is in conflict with their responsibility to represent all of their electorate equally not based on how much money they have. In fact since everyone else does it all elected officials are effectively required to to accept gifts to compete. I know the current reality of our election campaign system is mired in a much different arrangement but still my naive absent of reality opinion is that money should not be a factor in our elections and its the responsibility of the government weve created to ensure that happens. Elections are the one thing we can all agree is the responsibility of our selfgovernment the one thing that makes the rest of our democracy work. But the reality in the US today is that even though we all have a vote those with money can use that money to make their vote much more valuable that those without any money. The McCainFeingold reforms[1] may make this even worse as now campaigns need these extra vote with your dollars votes even more. We need to fix that. == How do we fix it == I would start by making it illegal for elected officials or those running for elected office to accept gifts or money from any private corporate religious or nonprofit entity. All election campaigns should be 100% publicly funded. Arguments about the cost of that are silly. If we can all agree that elections are a primary responsibility of government then we can agree that this responsibility can require commensurate funds. Second instead of charging station owners for a license to broadcast on our airwaves then them charging us back to them for the right to conduct the peoples business on those airwaves lets just not give it to them in the first place. The license comes with the burden of broadcasting election commercials. Decrease the license fee if you need to. Im fine with our government bearing the financial brunt of that burden whatever it may be. The 2004 Presidential and Senatorial campaigns spent about $4 billion dollars[2]. Considering we pay about $300 billion[3] per year to service our nation debt incurred almost solely by ReganBush IBush II[4] I wouldnt have any issues if the cost to do this ran into the $1020 billionyear range. It should be one of our governments main roles to equalize the situation to remove money from the equation as much as possible. Third I would pay these elected officials a lot more. If senators made $5 million a year they would have a harder time being swayed by the $250000 yatch some lobbyist could give their nephew. If were going to do this we should make their salaries on the same level as corporate leaders of similar stature. Perhaps we should even tie their salaries to the average of corporate leaders salaries it could serve as incentive to make sure businesses prosper. But we should pay them enough that other peoples money wont sway them. Again paying our elected officials is one of the few things we can all agree our government should be responsible for the comparatively miniscule about of money required to pay them well shouldnt be a factor. == But if you dont give money ... == A question Im not sure about how to you qualify to have your campaign funded I think it should be as open and available to anyone that wants to run as possible. But it shouldnt be too easy either. Being a public official requires work so work should be required to become one. I just would like that work to be something other than raising money. Being good at getting people to part with their money doesnt necessarily mean theyll be a good elected representative. Currently we show support by giving money. If you cant give money to candidates to express support how do we ensure that the people running and spending public money on those campaigns arent running a boondoggle and actually have or could get some support among the electorate Even if a big chunk the money we spent on publicly funded election campaigns was wasted on boondoggles wed still have a better system that we have today imo. The machinery of democracy is a better place than most to throw some cash around. Perhaps a solution would be to provide the option of altering the distribution of campaign contributions derived your own taxes If you didnt alter it as most people would do your tax contributions allotted for campaigns would be split evenly among all the campaigns. If you really cared about a campaign you could direct some of your already allocated tax dollars specifically to that campaign. Also what about the rich using their own money to outspend competitors Do we ban people from spending their own money on their campaigns as well. banking services chronicle magazine pdf

banking services chronicle magazine pdf in hindi

 banking services chronicle magazine pdf in hindi

banking services chronicle magazine pdf in hindi Published this article page no   As far as I am concerened the leaders of China are not now and never will be our friends or allies. The leaders of China do not care about anything other than amassing power and destroying their enemies and since everyone not Chinese is their enemy they feel that it is their duty to someday rule the world. As far as they are concerened the United States is the largest hurdle to their attaining their dreams therefore the first thing that they have to do is destroy us. They are not currently capable of defeating us militarily so they have decided to attempt to defeat us economically and so far they are doing a fairly good job at it. They are not our trading partner they are our trading enemy and they are currently trading us into the ground. Shock of shocks today I was reading the oped section of the paper and found myself agreeing with the author about American relations with China and the VIP treatment Chinese President Hu is recieving in this country. Both of us agreed that President Hu does not deserve such treatment. My shock was I was agreeing with Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi. I never agree with her. Her article stated in part TODAY PRESIDENT Bush will roll out the red carpet for Chinese President Hu Jintao a leader whose government brutally crushes freedom democracy and the religious expression of the Chinese and Tibetan people. Hu will receive the best welcome U.S. taxpayer money can buy including full military honors and a 21gun salute. This is the same regime that provides military technologies to countries that threaten international security including Iran and North Korea. The same regime that threatens Taiwan with a military attack detains and tortures Chinese people for expressing their political and religious beliefs and arrests Tibetans for carrying a picture of the Dalai Lama. While open dialogue is essential many of us on both sides of the aisle in Congress oppose the celebratory nature of this official visit. This is not about isolationism. We must have engagement with China but it should be sustainable engagement that enables us to maintain our values continue our economic growth and uphold our national security. Our growing national debt to China is a national security issue. Countries such as China that own our debt will soon not only be making our toys our clothes and our computers they will be making our foreign policy. U.S. policy toward China is ineffective in upholding the pillars of our foreign policy — promoting democratic freedom stopping the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and growing our economy by promoting exports abroad. Instead we have pursued trickledown liberty — promoting economic freedom first assuming that political freedom will follow. Reality exposes this policy as the illusion it is. There was more to her article some of which I agreed with and some of which I disagreed with. The point is though that we should not be treating the President of one of our most dangerous enemies like he is a favored long lost friend and ally. He is not a favored long lost friend and ally he is our enemy and should be treated with caution and firmness. It is right that our President should meet with him but it is wrong that our president should treat him with such a show of pomp and ceremony. bankingservices chronicle magazine pdf in hindi

banking services chronicle reasoning book

 banking services chronicle reasoning book 

bankingservices chronicle reasoning book Published this article page no   I live in Lazio the second most populated and industrialized region of Italy. The first most populated region is Lombardia and there the Right Right... large word won. The right won in Veneto too... but the rest of Italy has all become red... and now you are waiting for me to say something. Ok. Where do we want to begin Puglia ahah region in the South in which the Left won with its candidate Nichi Vendola. The other contender was called Raffaele Fitto dont ask me who he is because I have no idea. But Nichi Vendola who is Nichi Vendola During the primary elections of the party I dont know how to say this in English since my dictionary was printed in 1962 before this kind of elections was invented I thought that infiltrated members of the Right voted for this man because hes maybe the worst on the battlefield. This is an article written by Viking so youll expect that I say Oh Vendola is gay. You dont need that I say it you can see it with your own eyes then hes gay for real His face is a program. I should think that Fitto was even worse maybe I dont know him but I think that Vendola has been voted for his image of leftish freedom I still have to understand why all gays have to show their sexuality so much they cannot simply be gay and the story finishes there they have to show it Thats why I think they should not work as teachers Then if they want to be gays for themselves who cares and everybodys happy arcigay greenpeace pacifists of all kinds...everybody. So heres a first important winner of the elections a paladin of the margined. I dont want to talk about Nichi Vendola in this article he got here by accident. I would like to talk about another maybe the most important winner of this local elections in Italy Piero Marrazzo man of the Left winner in Lazio. This man I never thought he was involved in politics I would have imaged it but I never focussed on it dethroned the big Im talking about size Storace from Alleanza Nazionale who has been the candidate of the Right always this very large word.... Who is Marrazzo Hes a man that we have seen for years leading the famous tv show Mi manda Rai Tre on the third national channel Rai 3. Whats this show about It is a show that defends the most undefended people who are so able to be cheated by the first fox on the way. Theres nothing bad in defending people but sometimes people dont read their contracts carefully and they get the bad surprise and this show emphasises the disgrace while I think ignorance should not be justified. During the show the editorial staff invites and calls the cheaters so that they can face their cheated customers and so on... This show keeps a lot of Italians on their sofas watching tv so this Marrazzo is well known and hes known as a defender of the poor of the weak hes the man of the people. Apart from the tv show this good man brought to light the story disproved that some relatives of Storaces I dont remember who persecuted the Jews in ancient times and this makes audience... Italian television survives with this so everybody in Italy and everybody watches television connects Right=Persecution=Terror=Violence=Pain. So you have in front of your eyes a person who is perfect who is a famous  saint a good looking showman who is Marrazzo... simple he was elected. Folks this is strategy And now my people lets talk about other examples from similar species. A man I have his curriculum Alessandro Cecchi Paone born in 1961 ...who cares classic high school degree in Political Science about International Cooperation he studied in England and in the States he lived in Spain where he has been married for 7 years he has been married wow I didnt know it It seemed impossible he has been professor of Marketing of cultural communication and Theory and Technics of the Documentary. He has been author and front man of many tv shows in Italy. In a few words hes a journalist. At the moment he works for Mediaset constantly on Rete 4 Italian fourth channel in his program La macchina del Tempo in which he shows different kinds of documentaries. I have no doubt he knows everything about documentaries and journalism and marketing...he also knows many other things but how deeply This man wrote books about the physics of the universe about biology... I would say very very very very very very popularized books. I read some popularized books by Stephen Hawking and I didnt know from which side I would have begun to sever my veins for how difficult they are I cannot tell Cecchi Paone stop writing your books Im curious to read them since this man claimed on tv that people meeting him in the streets asked him some advices about problems of physics and maths... I want to meet him Ill look for him and Ill tell him Master please help me to solve this differential equation... I want to see what he will answer. Hes the man who candidate with Forza Italia during the European Elections declaring himself gay after losing the elections said The Italy of caciocavallo won again. The caciocavallo is a delicious cheese from Southern Italy... I would like to know if you Alessandro Cecchi Paone are able to do the caciocavallo Oh Berlusconi you are a good man you cannot go with these people. So this man is another declared gay whos in the Right this word gets larger and larger and whos supported by the arcifriends of his S. Francis of Assisi this man who threw away all his dresses because they represented the temptation of richness man who lived the day in poverty spiritual guide of Karl Marx man who helped the poor who did nothing to buy a pair of pants... compared with him John Lennon was a capitalist... this Saint Francis inspired the modern politicians and showmen. Theres a man on the Italian television... I would not say a man... hes a mushroom Canale 5 channel number 5 Berlusconis tv where Berlusconi must be away theres a man called Maurizio Costanzo who has invaded the television. This over65 short leftwing omnipresent man and that man of his wife have the whole channel in their hands and they are expanding themselves in the other channels. I know when it is apocalypse day it will be when I see Maurizio Costanzo on MTV I should write an article about this man so now I will simply speak about his latest tv show Tutte le Mattine an alltopics daily show. I dont think he has ever been involved too much in politics but he uses the same saint strategy to rule over Canale 5 and to be loved by the mob. He makes his tv shows with the disgraces of the people tumours anorexies depressions divorces lost dogs paralysed legs beaten immigrants ooh for all tastes. All this during his daily 3 hours everyday entertainment alltopics show in which sexy bombs from the Big Brother actors of cabaret leftwing intellectuals reading 10 seconds of poems the orchestra of Demo Morselli playing 10 seconds of songs Platinette the psychiatrist Morelli and the rest of the persons that are property of Maurizio Costanzo hes got the copyright on them I can prove it are invited. At the beginning this tv show had a different topic everyday but now it has degenerated in something hallucinating. I will write more about him... this is a menace In conclusion Im sure there would be other people I should talk about but I want to propose a final deliberation. Who will be the next Franciscan tvpolitician I got the perfect candidate Hes called Alessandro Di Pietro and he seems to belong to Alleanza Nazionale. Hes author and front man of a show called Occhio alla Spesa Pay attention to your purchase which is something from the same family of Mi manda Rai Tre in specific his show is about prices and swindles... but I have the sensation that sometimes this man wants to deviate the commerce. If you want to be an appreciated politician maybe being a tv man can help but Im more and more afraid that the parliament is becoming a tv show and you see... politics looks funnier. banking services chronicle reasoning book

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

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sbi clerk junior associate and junior agriculture The loan then becomes the primary mortgage and is fully secured by the property. In most seller take-back financing transactions, the buyer repays the seller with interest in accordance to mutually agreed terms over a period of time. Usually, the terms call for the buyer to send the payments, sbi junior associate notification consisting of principal and interest, on a monthly basis. This is advantageous because it creates a steady monthly cash flow for the note holder. And if the note holder decides to cash out, he or she can always sell the note for a lump sum cash payment online mock test for sbi clerk

Monday, July 12, 2021

competition success review magazine app

competition success review magazine app

competition success review magazine app  Published this article page no  Annulment is a legal procedure for declaring a marriage null and void. Annulment differs from divorce where the court ends an otherwise legal marriage on a specific date. Current info about Annulment is not always the easiest thing to locate. Fortunately this report includes the latest Annulment info available. Annulment is a legal procedure for declaring a marriage null and void. Annulment differs from divorce where the court ends an otherwise legal marriage on a specific date. In strict legal terminology annulment refers only to making a voidable marriage null if the marriage is void ab initio then it is automatically null although a legal declaration of nullity is required to establish this. The process of obtaining such a declaration is similar to the annulment process. Grounds for Annulment Grounds for a marriage being voidable or void ab initio vary in different legal jurisdictions but are typically limited to fraud bigamy and mental incompetence including that  Either spouse was already married to someone else at the time of the marriage  Either spouse was too young to be married or too young without required court or parental consent  Either spouse was under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of the marriage  Either spouse was mentally incompetent at the time of the marriage  If the consent to the marriage was based on fraud or force  Either spouse was physically incapable to be married (typically inability to have sexual intercourse which persists) at the time of the marriage  The marriage is prohibited by law due to the relationship between the parties.  Infidelity exists in marriage or partners are unfaithful You cant predict when knowing something extra about Annulments will come in handy. If you learned anything new in this article you should print and file it where you can find it again. competition success review magazine app

banking services chronicle e magazine

banking services chronicle e magazine

Published this article page no banking services chronicle e magazine  When you go into a child custody battle make sure you do your research.  We found out the hard way that not having a strategy will cost you in the long run.  There are a couple of experts in child custody that have put together a strategy guide that has proved to be a great resource to us.  We learned stuff that are $250 per hour lawyer didnt even know about. A divorce is stressful enough but when child custody is involved it can get ugly really quick.  Unfortunately there are times when the underlying reason for child custody isnt about the children at all.  Its just one more way to get back at their Ex for all the horrible things that they have done.  This is the worst situation because the only one who ends up getting hurt is the children.  Thats why I felt compelled to write this article.  My wife and I have been have been in a heated battle for her daughter for over a year now.  Her ex-husband is a manipulative know it all who is purposely limiting my wifes contact with her daughter.  My wife lost custody several years ago when she had to leave the state they were living in because of the constant harassment and threats being made by her Ex.  At the time the judge could not make a decision on custody and my wife was not allowed to take her daughter out of the state.  It was not long after that her Exs high price attorney was able to get the judge to grant him full custody simply because my wife now lived out-of-state.  Needless to say my wife was devastated.  She didnt think it could happen just like that with no consideration given to her situation.  So in an instant she went from having 5050 custody to seeing her daughter only 6 weeks out of the year. A couple of years later I came into the picture and was able to convince my wife that she needs to stop being afraid of her Ex and it was time to fight for her right to be a mother to her daughter.  That was easier said than done.  By that time her Ex had used his influence over his daughter to get her to blame my wife for everything that had happened.  Soon the phone calls got shorter and shorter and her daughter started saying awful things to my wife things that just tore her up inside.  This 5-year girl was yelling at her mother for breaking up the family for causing all her daddys money problems and for leaving her behind to be with her new husband.  None of which it true but try explaining that to a 5-year old girl over the telephone with her Daddy sitting beside her and listening to the entire conversation.  My wife was an utter mess and even started blaming herself for what was going on. We finally decided enough was enough but we had no idea what to do next.  I research everything.  Im all over the internet look for tip and strategies anything that can give us an idea on how to deal with a child custody issue.  And wouldnt you know it all I get are law firms that tell you that all you have to do is get the right lawyer.  So that is what we did.  We gathered all the money that we could our entire savings and then some and then hired a lawyer.  A lawyer who called our situation an atrocity and that he would do everything in his power to put a stop to it.  And so it began the child custody battle was in full swing.  But after the first motion was sent out by our lawyer we heard nothing.  Days weeks went by and no response and when we tried to get in touch with our lawyer we had to set up an appointment where we would get charged $250 an hour to talk to him over the phone.  A year goes by and nothing happens except for the judge telling my wifes Ex to stop turning her daughter against her.  And did I mention we had a nice $16000 lawyer bill. This child custody battle was causing us all kinds of pain (emotionally mentally and monetarily) but we vowed not to quit.  In the mean time her daughter was angry at us once again because we were trying to put her Daddy in jail and He would die of a broken heart if she was ever to go and live with mommy.  It was gut-wrenching to the both of us.  And then something happened that gave us some hope.  Did the lawyer call with some good new? No! Did the judge finally make a decision in our favor? No!  I came upon a website talking about two experts (Doctors of Psychology) in dealing with child custody issues.  With over 35 years of experience between them and numerous expert testimonies they looked they had something that they could teach us.  And wouldnt you believe their guide on strategies in dealing with child custody only cost $89.  I was skeptical at first wondering what they could know that our lawyer doesnt.  But what is $89 compared to $16000 so I took a look.  Right from the beginning I noticed things that our lawyer never even mentioned to us.  I even brought up some points from the book to our lawyer (at $250 an hour) and he acted like he had never heard of that before.  These werent over the top legal tactics.  These were simple things that none of us had ever though of.  Were still in the midst of the custody battle but things our leaning our way for the first time ever.  All I can say is that the guide has helped me understand a lot more about child custody strategies and I had only wished that I had found before all of this started.  If you our in similar situation yourself or about to fight for custody I urge you to get this guide.  Its a small price to pay in the long run and it even shows you ways to make your lawyer work harder for you.  banking services chronicle e magazine

banking service chronicle august 2019 pdf

banking service chronicle august 2019 pdf 

banking service chronicle august 2019 pdf  Published this article page no  Choosing the right divorce and family Lawyer in a large urban center such as Toronto Thornhill Markham Richmond Hill and Vaughan is the key to obtaining the best results in your divorce. Choosing a Divorce Lawyer or a Family Lawyer in large urban centers such as Toronto Thornhill Markham Richmond Hill and Vaughan can be very challenging due to the large amount of divorce lawyers and family lawyers practicing in these areas in Ontario. Experienced divorce lawyers and family lawyers can help you through a very stressful time in your life and also help you avoid very costly financial and emotional mistakes. Very difficult and life altering decisions must be made affecting many personal and important issues such as child custody child access or visitation joint custody child support spousal support property division debt division equalization of net family properties the matrimonial home separation agreements among many others. Choosing the right divorce and family lawyer is the key to obtaining the best results in your divorce. You and your childrens rights and well being may be affected for many years in the future. Divorce and family laws are full of many legal technicalities and are frequently subject to legal interpretation and your divorce lawyer or family lawyer must be experienced in these areas. Issues of child custody and child support can profoundly affect your childrens ongoing development. If you or your spouse is considering divorce proceedings it is essential that you consult a divorce and family lawyer to find out your rights and obligations. Do not sign anything or take any action that can affect you or your childrens rights without getting proper legal advice from a qualified family and divorce lawyer. Hiring the right divorce and family lawyer requires more work than simply looking through your local yellow pages. You can start your search for a divorce and family lawyer by talking to friends and family and asking for referrals. Contact your real estate or business lawyer for a referral to a family and divorce lawyer. There are many other ways to find divorce and family lawyers as well. When you have found some Google the divorce and family lawyers names and read any articles they may have written. Family and divorce lawyers should be chosen on the basis of their experience and years of practice. Does the divorce lawyer specialize in or primarily handle divorce child custody child access or visitation joint custody child support spousal support property division debt division equalization of net family properties the matrimonial home separation agreements and all other related family and divorce law issues. Lawyers who also practice business law real estate criminal law etc. are generalists and do not specialize in divorce and family law. When you meet with a family and divorce lawyer ask questions but prepare your questions in advance – how is child custody child access or visitation decided what is joint custody or shared custody how much will you receive or will you have to pay for child support and for how long how does spousal support work how will your property be divided and what is included what happens to your home who pays for your debts and loans how much will it cost what steps are involved in the process how long will it take – can you settle or do you have to go to Court what is a Separation Agreement - Ask what the lawyers philosophy is about negotiating a settlement or litigating (going to court should be a last resort). The family and divorce lawyer should be explaining all this and much more to you at your first meeting. Make sure the divorce and family lawyer you choose answers your questions and makes you feel that you and your case is important and not just another number. Your lawyer should not talk to you in legalize but in plain ordinary language so that you understand exactly what is going on and what will happen in the future. You must choose a lawyer who you feel comfortable with and with whom you can trust to reveal your personal and confidential information and someone who will not make you feel foolish or uncomfortable for asking questions about things you do not understand. Your divorce and family lawyer should be compassionate and understanding due to the emotional issues involved. Many divorce and family lawyers have gone through their own personal divorces and have experienced your situation personally as well as professionally and may be in a better position to empathize with you and understand exactly how you are feeling and how they can help you better. banking service chronicle august 2019 pdf

banking services chronicle august 2020

  banking services chronicle august 2020 

Published this article page no banking services chronicle august 2020  Divorce can be a traumatic experience for your children. No matter how old they are the divorce will be hard for them to understand and eventually to accept. Some children in fact harbor hopes that their parents will get back together even after several years of living apart. Many children feel that they are the ones at fault when their parents break up. Although this may seem illogical to adults children can find associations in the most incongruous of things. As often ... Divorce can be a traumatic experience for your children. No matter how old they are the divorce will be hard for them to understand and eventually to accept. Some children in fact harbor hopes that their parents will get back together even after several years of living apart. Many children feel that they are the ones at fault when their parents break up. Although this may seem illogical to adults children can find associations in the most incongruous of things. As often attested by revelations during therapy children often feel that they could have done something to prevent the break-up in the family. There are those what ifs and could have beens. If they were good and obedient children would they have prevented the split? If they did not get into trouble in school would their parents stay together? One of the crucial moments that parents should take note of and prepare themselves is the way that they will break the news to their children. Although explaining it properly will not necessarily lessen the pain of knowing that their parents will be splitting up but at least a proper explanation will help prevent misunderstandings especially in what caused the break up in the first place. Remember that young children are very impressionable. Everything that you do whether you want them to see or not can mean something. It is important that you tell them whats going on to avoid misrepresentations. Below are some tips on how to break the news of the divorce to your kids. Never make them feel that they have to choose. Divorce is a traumatic experience as it is without asking the children to choose sides. This will put them right in the middle of marital trouble. This is not fair because the kids are not really part of the problems that you and your partner are having. Pressuring them to judge who is right and wrong can worsen the trauma that they will be experiencing. Still during custody battles choosing sides cannot be avoided. Although in some cases especially if the children are a bit older they are asked to choose which parents they would rather live with. Never badmouth your partner Remember that whatever happens your partner is still a part of their lives someone who they need to respect and love. Whatever troubles that you have in your relationship should not affect the children in any way. As long as your partner is doing his best to provide for the kids and is a good father there is no need for them to know what a rotten person he can be sometimes. Explain clearly. Although your children will not necessarily understand completely what is going on there is no need to create fantastical explanations. Just tell them the truth that you are going to start living apart and they may have to live with each of you separately or live with one parent for the rest of their lives. Consider their feelings and try to talk to them about it Divorce can be painful for the couple as they are the ones directly involved but you must remember that kids are very vulnerable and they are not as resilient as adults. It is not enough that you tell them whats going on. You also have to ask them what their feelings are about what happened. This way you are able to address their fears and insecurities right then and there. As mentioned before kids often feel that it is their fault that their parents are breaking up. You have to reassure them that this is not true and they were not in any way at fault. Tell them that its ok for them to talk to you about it. Children will have questions about what happened. They might not be able to verbalize it just yet but they will eventually reveal what bothers them about the situation. Encourage them to come and talk to you if they have additional questions. Tell them that its ok for them to tell you how they feel and they will be very much welcome to ask you anything they want. Keeping the communications line open will help ease the tension and clear up a lot of potential sources of misunderstandings. banking services chronicle august 2020

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription  published this article page no 4 after the constitution of 17 t h l o k s a b h a and formation of new government the regular budget for 2019-20 was presented to parliament on 5th july 2019. the regular budget for 2019-20 is a compendium of 13 different documents including the finance bill 2019; annual financial statement and demands for grants for 2019-20 covering the entire fiscal viz. 2019-20. it may be reminded that the interim budget 2019-20 was presented on 1st february 2019. being a vote-on-account approval from parliament for undertaking expenditure till 31st july 2019 is available with the government Meri saheli hindi magazine subscription.

meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Shine india monthly magazine

 Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine published this article page no 3 it not only speaks of the empowerment that is sure to come in the near future but also places it as a women-empowering budget. new-age technologies including electric vehicles solar pv storage batteries and charging infrastructure will not only create jobs but also go a long way in making the energy sector sustainable and ready for the future. this is a green budget in which special emphasis has been laid on the environment. initiatives like the gaganyaan chandrayaan and the introduction of the new space india limited (nsil) a new commercial arm for research and development carried out by isro speak of indias aspiration to be a major space power. globally valued skill-sets including artificial intelligence (ai) internet of things virtual reality and robotics and big data have been identified as focus areas for enabling the youth of the country to take up jobs overseas. making the education system future ready and strengthening the study in india programme have been highlighted as well. overall the budget speaks inter-alia about the aspirations of the rural and the urban population the needs of farmers and students and the drive for empowerment of youth and women. steering the economy towards a new india the union budget 2019-20 is truly a budget for all shine india monthly magazine telugu buy.

 Shine india monthly magazine

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Competition Wizard

competition wizard magazine pdf  published this article page no  In my work as a Marriage and Family Therapist most of my practice has been working with couples because after experiencing divorce growing up as a child and again after a ten year first marriage I decided that my mission is to help people have successful marriages and families and I thought the best way to do that would be as a marriage counselor. However what I discovered over the years is that people generally make appointments with me when its almost too late theyre on the verge of divorce or it might be a last resort after theres been a lot of irreversible damage done.How relationships work and how to have a successful Life Partnership have always been fascinating mysteries to me. One things for certain times have changed and what used to work doesnt work anymore. The biggest change in the past 30 years impacting relationships that I can see is that we have developed a need to be happy. This is a dramatic shift from our parents and grandparents who were quite satisfied surviving and achieving some measure of comfort and security. The need for happiness sounds very simple and innocent but its the primary reason for failed relationships today and the high divorce rate single parent families mental and physical health problems juvenile delinquency welfare and so on.While we seek to be happy in relationships we dont seem to know how. As a result I have seen many people make relationship choices and fall into traps that prevented them from getting what they want in their life resulting in unhappiness and relationship failure. A trap is basically an unsolvable problem that results in unhappiness in a relationship. Getting out of the trap often means leaving the relationship.When youre single you can do a lot more than you realize to avoid these traps and prepare for a successful and lasting relationship as youll see in this article.

1.       Marketing Trap

Believing you need to make yourself more appealing to attract a partner and selling yourself with attractive packaging and presentation. High risk of disappointment and relationship failure as people discover that the excitement and promise of the sizzle conflicts with the reality of the steak.Solution Authenticity. You will attract compatible people when you show them who you really are. At the risk of mixing metaphors Birds of a feather flock together so dont try to look like a prize-winning chicken when you are your own breed of duck!

2.       Scarcity Trap

Believing there is a limited supply of possible partners so you have to take what you can get or be alone. Results in relationship failure when you settle for less and compromise your Requirements. A self-fulfilling prophecy when you get less because you expect less.Solution Define your first choice of what you really want and persevere. Trust that if you apply yourself you can get what you really want in your life. You must be able to say No to what you DONT want to be available to say Yes to what you DO want. You have the power to choose who what  where when and how and can get what you really want if you make effective choices aligned with your Vision and Requirements.

3.       Compatibility Trap

Assuming that if you have fun together and get along well you are compatible and a committed relationship will work. Results in relationship failure when discovering the vast difference between a fun-focused recreational  dating relationship and a serious long-term committed relationship. Being so different the process and criteria for choosing a recreational relationship needs to be very different from choosing a Life Partner.Solution When you are ready for a Life Partnership define your Requirements and use them to scout sort and screen potential partners. Do not try to convert a recreational relationshipinto a committed one unless 100% of your Requirements are met.

4.       Fairytale Trap

Passively expecting your ideal partner to magically appear and live happily ever after without effort on your part. Believing that finding your soul mate will just happen. Results in disappointment when the frogs that happen to jump into your life dont become princes.Solution Take personal responsibility for your relationship choices and outcomes. Have effective scouting sorting and screening strategies. Initiate contact and be the Chooser dont simply react to people that choose you.

5.       Date-To-Mate Trap

Becoming an instant couple as if giving each person you date an extended test drive. Believing that if you develop an exclusive relationship with someone you are dating a successful committed relationship will eventually happen. Other terms for this are Serial Monogamy and the Mini-Marriage.. This approach is a costly use of time and emotional energy. The inertia in this trap is pressure to make the relationship work attempt to solve unsolvable problems and fit the round peg in the square hole because breaking up and being single again is an undesired outcome.Solution Date a variety of people and have fun without being exclusive. When you are ready for a committed relationship define your Requirements and use them as tools to scout sort and screen potential partners. Make a careful relationship choice and consciously use a pre-commitment period to determine if this is the right relationship for you.

6.       Attraction Trap

Making relationship choices based on feelings of attraction. Interpreting a strong attraction to someone as a sign that the relationship is a good choice and meant to be. This approach results in relationship failure when unsolvable problems surface because you ignored the red flags while infatuated. Unconscious choices usually result in repeating unproductive past patterns.

Solution Balance your attractions by defining your Requirements and use them to scout sort and screen potential partners. Choose your lifes mate carefully. From this one decision will come ninety percent of your happiness or misery.(H. Jackson Brown Jr. from Lifes Little Instruction Book).

7.       Love Trap

Interpreting infatuation attraction need good sex and/or attachment as Love. If it feels good it must be Love. Love is all you need. Love conquers all. Results in relationship failure when you discover that love is not enough to meet your requirements and needs.Solution Make conscious relationship choices by defining your Requirements and use them to scout sort and screen potential partners.

8.       Rescue Trap

Hoping a relationship will solve your emotional and financial difficulties and bring you happiness and fulfillment something like winning the lottery. You avoid taking responsibility for your life challenges expecting to be rescued from them. Results in desperation neediness and relationship failure when problems multiply instead of disappear.Solution Define your Vision for your life and relationship and Live your Vision as a successful single person. Resolve emotional financial and other problems prior to seeking a lasting committed relationship. Seek to be in a position of choice and want rather than need.

9.       Co-Dependent Trap

Expecting someone to love you and give you what you want by giving them what they want. Attempting to earn love and happiness by acquiescing giving and helping. Needing to be needed often results in unconsciously attracting and choosing a relationship with a person that needs you but you later discover is unable to give you what you want.Solution Define your Vision and Requirements and choose a closely aligned partner. Learn to be assertive identify and ask for what you want and need identify and assert boundaries and develop the ability to say No. Be the Chooser and cautious of people that choose you!

10.       Entitlement Trap

Believing you deserve to be happy and get what you want in your life without effort or changes on your part. Results in relationship failure as you rely on your partner to bring happiness and fulfillment and inevitably experience disappointment. If you do what youve always done youll get what youve always got.Solution Take personal responsibility for your life and relationship. Define your Vision and Life Purpose and live them when single.

11.       Virtual Reality Trap

Believing that what you see is what you get. Making hasty long-term relationship decisions based on short-term impressions and inferences instead of actual experience and knowledge. Results in seeing what you want to see and relationship failure when later reality doesnt match.Solution Assume you dont know what you dont know and stay in a pre-commitment stage until you have solid experience and knowledge that this is the right relationship for you.

12.       Lone Ranger Trap

Believing that you dont need anyones help in finding your Life Partner. You evaluate people you meet for their relationship potential and do not take the opportunity to cultivate new friends. Results in isolation perception of scarcity of potential partners and risk of settling for less than what you really want because you dont want to be alone.Solution Develop a support network/community of friends of both genders and be supportable by enrolling them to scout for you. competition wizard magazine pdf subscribe now