Thursday, July 22, 2021

banking services chronicle daily current affairs

 banking services chronicle daily current affairs

banking services chronicle daily current affairs published this article America was isolationist and England could not do the job alone because Nazi Germany had become too powerful by the time Churchill had achieved political control of England. We have seen many atrocious people ascend to power in various countries. A few examples are Stalin in Russia Pol Pot in Cambodia and Idi Amin in Uganda. The list of atrocious dictators is a long one but Id like to focus on Saddam Hussein because he is our creation in the sense that we trained him armed him and even supported him against his enemies in the mistaken belief that he would remain our boy. By the time our government understood that big mistake it was too late and we have paid dearly for our governments mistake. The invoice for our cost is still mounting and our soldiers are still dying in a foreign land. There is an answer to the problem of stopping evil on Earth from getting out of control and the answer does NOT involve having America police the world. Why should the American people pay the cost for having a world police force The cost of our military might is in the trillions and the debt affects our daily lives by increasing our cost of living dramatically. The reality is that evil must be resisted and overcome the very moment it first manifests itself before its power grows and becomes unmanageable. But the responsibility for dealing with planetary evil should not rest on the United States alone. An emasculated body already exists whose proper job it should have been to assume that responsibility. Im talking about the United Nations and Im suggesting the creation of a United Nations Rapid Strike Force which should possess the best weapons technology and training possible. Its not too late to reinvest the United Nations with the power the authority and the freedom to act without being stopped in the Security Council by one major power and Im suggesting that the United Nations Charter be revised to give it the power to act on the basis of majority rule in the General Assembly. A majority vote in the General Assembly is the truly democratic method of reaching an appropriate decision to send in the Rapid Strike Force. Consider how many lives have been lost in the 20th century wars against evil governments that expanded their destructive power outside their own borders. We must understand that somebody needs to stop these governments whenever they wreak havoc on their own people not only because terror is WRONG but also because massive governmental cruelty is the warning sign that an evil government is in the process of expanding its power. We should not wait until a country like Iraq becomes dangerous outside its borders. By the time that happens a war legal or undeclared is necessary and too many lives are lost. Its no longer practical for us to believe that individual countries have an inherent right to do anything they want to do within their own borders. Even the smallest atrocious government can endanger the world if they are able to develop nuclear weapons. They can even buy or steal nuclear bombs. I believe that whenever terror and torture become methods of governing the concept of territorial autonomy needs to be abrogated  if not in the name of human rights then it should be done for our own protection. A United Nations Rapid Strike Force is the answer because the window of opportunity to eliminate an atrocious government without excessive expenditure of lives occurs during the beginning of the governments expansion of power and that window is only open for a short period of time. The idea is to blitzkrieg evil before it gets a chance to blitzkrieg us. Of course I realize that America would have to release some of its power and accept the possibility that a decision could be implemented with which America would not agree. But that would be a small price to pay in order to save thousands or even millions of American lives. That would also be a small price to pay to get out from under the crushing debt that has been and is being incurred for maintaining the gigantic military force that Americans believe is justified in order protect ourselves and to police the world. I believe that it is the responsibility of the world to police itself. If youve gotten this far in your reading and you agree that my idea has merit please write to your representative in Congress. That would make me feel much better about being destitute and completely unknown. banking services chronicle daily current affairs

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