Thursday, March 17, 2022

Meri saheli magazine life style

 Meri saheli magazine life style

Meri saheli magazine life style  published this article page no 29 I love making my own hand made soap. I enjoy using it myself and I adore giving it as gifts to family and friends. They always say Wow! when I tell them I made it myself. Here are 7 nifty reasons for making hand made soap. 1. Its fun. Making your own hand made soap can be a lot of creative fun. 2. You control the ingredients. That means your soap can be full of high quality good stuff for your skin and not full of harsh nasty chemicals. 3. You choose the color. You can make your soap any color you want! Even lime green if you like that color. 4. You control the scent. If you want to make unscented soap you can. If You want to make highly scented soap you can. If you want to think up an interesting scented and colored soap such as lemon meringue you can. 5. You control the shape of the soap. There are all kinds of soap molds available; hearts flowers seashells even gingerbread men! 6. If youre stuck thinking of a gift for someone you can make them some wonderful hand made soap. The recipient should love a gift of gorgeous soap nestled in tissue paper in a pretty gift box. They should be even more impressed when you tell them you made it yourself! 7. The satisfaction you derive from making something thats creative and useful. You dont have to rely on the stores to provide your soap; you can provide it for yourself and others. Be warned that soap making is an addictive hobby! I have fun thinking up new scent and color combinations wondering if theyll work and when they do its an awesome feeling. Soapmaking encourages my creativity and Im sure it will encourage yours as well meri saheli magazine subscription!


Meri saheli magazine life style

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