Saturday, August 13, 2022

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher this is science magazine in india Published this article page no 61 igotrecently department of personnel and training ministry of personnel public grievances & pensions (dopt) launched an igot (integrated government online training programme).this online training programme will be targeted to the requirements of officers and training inputs will be available on site and on flexitime would act as a single point of access to the repository of training resources to numerous training institutions . international press institutes death watchas per ipis death watch 79 journalists were killed in 2018.the vienna based international press institute (ipi) is a global network of editors journalists and media executives from digital print and broadcast news who share a common dedication to quality independent journalism.ipi has been compiling annual data on the killings of journalists since 1997 as part of its press freedom and safety of journalist programmes.mexico and afghanistan were the deadliest countries for journalists were overall with 13 deaths each good popular science magazine.

Junior Science Refresher

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