Wednesday, October 19, 2022

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no 4 linking 15th finance commission with state finance commission with respect to village level planning. integratingconsolidation of gp development with rurban clustersblock district plan as per the 73rd and 74th constitutional development act (caa) and gram panchayat development plan (gpdp). o improving the egovernance through spatial data infrastructure. o use of svamitva (and other digital tools) for the abadi area (linking to land records). planning for environmental benefit and disaster preparedness. rules for postretirement hiring of officials by government organisations central vigilance commission (cvc) has laid down a defined procedure to be followed by government organisations for getting vigilance clearance before employing a retired official on contractual or consultancy basis. o in case a retired officer had served in more than one organisation clearance has to be obtained from all of them where the person was posted during the 10 years prior to retirement. cvc also directed all the government organisations to formulate appropriate rules for its employees to ensure the cooling off period was observed before accepting any offer in private sector shine india monthly magazine telugu buy.

shine india monthly magazine

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