Thursday, December 22, 2022

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine The article was published in the magazine  Key Highlights: o Children are more vulnerable than adults. o Globally approximately 1 billion children (nearly half of all children) are at extremely high risk of the impacts of climate change. Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI)  Developed by: Germanwatch  Aim: Increasing transparency in international climate change policy.  India has retained its spot in the top 10 best performing countries in CCPI. o Denmark is the highest ranked country (top three places remained empty).  CCPI evaluated 60 countries and European Union (which together generate 90%+ of global GHG emissions) in four categories — GHG emissions renewable energy energy use and climate policy. Production Gap Report 2021  Released by: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)  Report measures the gap between governments planned production of fossil fuels and the global production levels consistent with meeting the Paris Agreement temperature limits (limiting warming to 1.5°C or 2°C).  Key Findings o As countries set net-zero emission targets and increase their climate ambitions under the Paris Agreement they have not explicitly recognized or planned for the rapid reduction in fossil fuel production that these targets will require shine india monthly magazine subscription.

shine india monthly magazine

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