Friday, April 30, 2021

competition success review magazine subscription

 competition success review magazine subscription

competition success review magazine subscription published this article page no 122 as per their economic condition. financial incentives were provided to below poverty line (bpl) households for construction and usage of individual household latrines (i1-111l) in recognition of their achievements. the nirmal bharat abhiyan (nba) the successor programme of the tsc was launched onapril 1 2012. the objective was to accelerate the sanitation coverage in the rural community through renewed strategics and a saturation approach. nba worked towards achieving the necessary outcomes to create nirmal gram panchayats. under the nba the incentives for ihhls were enhanced and further support was obtained in convergence with mgnregs. competition success review magazine subscription

competition success review magazine subscription­­­­­­­­­­­

competition success review magazine subscription


competition success review magazine subscription­­­­­­­­­­­-published this article page no 123 while the above-mentioned programmes made some progress for the rural sanitation landscape of the country in the census of 2011 rural sanitation coverage (households with individual latrines) was found to be only 33%.competition success review magazine subscription

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine published this article page no 63 as per estimates in 2011 per capita water availability in the state has been only 920 cubic meters per annum against countrys 1720 cubic meters. the minimum requirement of water per person is at least 1000 cubic meters/ year.while gujarat has 6% of the total geographical area of india it has 1236% of total water-stressed area of the country. about 58.6% of the total area of gujarat is water-stressed due to arid semi-arid and salinity conditions. it is severely water-stressed state next only to rajasthan shine india monthly magazine telugu.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Geography and you magazine

Geography and you magazine

Geography and you magazine published this article page no 62 the annual rainfall in gujarat is skewed with central and south gujarat receiving 80-200 cm north gujarat & saurashtra receiving 40.80 cm rind kachchh receiving less than 40 cm rainfall annually. the uneven distribution of water in gujarat creates a peculiar situation wherein 1/4 area has adequate water and remaining 3/4 of the slate is water-scarce especially kachchh with 23.29 % area but only 3% share in total water availability in the state geography and you magazine subscription.

mahendras monthly magazine

 mahendras monthly magazine

Mahendras monthly magazine  published this article page no 61 gujarat is considered capital of indias dairy industry. farmers of gujarat and their families are entrepreneurial and very industrious. animal husbandry is one of the major sources of income to rural families. ensuring adequate and assured availability of clean water for cattle is pre-requisite for productivity Mahendra master in current affairs.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

General science biology

General science biology

General science biology published this article page no 41 the states and uts arc required to develop and upload these plans on the integrated management information system (imis) by the 1m march of every year. capacity building swachltagrahis are the foot soldiers of the sbm (g) and have proved excellent motivators in bringing behaviour change for construction and usage of toilets. the role of these volunteers remains important even in phase ii. they may be able to play the same active role with sustained engagement capacity strengthening and sharpening and providing them appropriate incentives for their sustained engagement. role of panchayati raj institutions (pris) as per the constitution 73rd amendment act 1992 sanitation is included in the schedule. therefore the role of gram panchayat (gp) is pivotal in implementing sum (g) general science biology syllabus.

Competition Refresher Magazine

Competition Refresher Magazine

Competition Refresher Magazine published this article page no 40 at the district level each district is required to prepare a district swachhata plan after consolidating its  village aclion plans. districts are expected to develop the plan as per a date decided by the state water and sanitation committee every year and upload it on mis after obtaining approval from the slate government. states and uts are required to develop a project implementation plan (pip) and annual implementation plan (aip) every year consolidating the district swachhata plans to achieve the objectives of sbm (0) phase ii. the national scheme sanctioning committee (nssc) then considers and approves the pips and alps Competition Refresher buy.

you and i magazine

you and i magazine

You and i magazine published this article page no 39 phase ii swachh bharat mission promotes decentralised sanitation interventions. therefore it is required that each gram panchayat prepares village action plans for all of its villages in a convergent manner for the sbm (g) and the jal jeevan mission in a participatory manner especially involving women and marginalised people so that everyone could get equally bencfittcd from the implementation of the village action plan. the plan should be presented in the gram sabha and endorsement of the gram sabha should be obtained and recorded you and i magazine Hyderabad buy.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

pratiyogita kiran annual subscription

pratiyogita kiran annual subscription

pratiyogita kiran annual subscription published this article page no 8 the historic notification of ecological flow for river ganga in october 2018 is a big step for aviral ganga. demarcation and protection of floodplains protection &conservation of wetlands especially floodplain and urban wetlands spring and small river rejuvenation projects are under implementation. sustainable agriculture is being promoted through organic farming eco-agriculture and medicinal plantation and improving water use efficiency pratiyogita kiran book buy.

pratiyogita kiran review

pratiyogita kiran review

pratiyogita kiran review published this article page no 7 annual inspection of grossly polluting industries by expert institutions online monitoring process improvementcommon effluent treatment plant (cetp) helped  checking industrial pollution. improving sanitation at ghats stopping solid waste from entering the river surface water cleaning and improving process capacity in ulbs have helped. 4500 ganga grams are odf pratiyogita kiran book buy.

pratiyogita kiran magazine

 pratiyogita kiran magazine

pratiyogita kiran magazine published this article page no 6 projects have been taken up as per a comprehensive plan for all the 97 cities/towns along ganga including rehabilitation upgradation of old plants after condition assessment. subsequently projects for tributaries have also been started. major drains falling into ganga have been intercepted and diverted to stps. all projects along ganga have been completed in uttarakhand and jharkhand. most of the projects in kanpur prayagraj and varanasi and other ganga towns in up have also been completed. the improvement in the quality of water is established through monitoring and visible to people  pratiyogita kiran english magazine buy.

Monday, April 26, 2021

competition wizard magazine subscription

 competition wizard magazine subscription

competition wizard magazine subscription published this article page no 206

Annual inspection of grossly polluting industries by expert institutions online monitoring process improvementCommon Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) helped  checking industrial pollution. Improving sanitation at ghats stopping solid waste from entering the river surface water cleaning and improving process capacity in ULBs have helped. 4500 Ganga Grams are ODF. competition wizard magazine subscription details click here

competition wizard magazine

 competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine published this article page no 205

Projects have been taken up as per a comprehensive plan for all the 97 cities/towns along Ganga including rehabilitation upgradation of old plants after condition assessment. Subsequently projects for tributaries have also been started. Major drains falling into Ganga have been intercepted and diverted to STPs. All projects along Ganga have been completed in Uttarakhand and Jharkhand. Most of the projects in Kanpur Prayagraj and Varanasi and other Ganga towns in UP have also been completed. The improvement in the quality of water is established through monitoring and visible to people. Kumbb is an example. competition wizard magazine subscribe now

Competition Wizard

 Competition Wizard

Competition Wizard published this article page no 204

Namaini Gange introduced PPP for sewerage infrastructure for the first time in India through Hybrid Annuity Mode (11AM) with 40% of capex being paid during construction and 60% with interest by 15-year annuity with separate payment for operation & maintenance (O&M) bringing a paradigm shift from payment for construction to Performance-Linked Payments. The One City One Operatorapproach merging rehabilitation of old and creation of new assets and O&M for all of them on HAM to improve governance was introduced. HAM is now accepted by NITI Aayog and states outside the Ganga basin have also started using it. Competition Wizard subscribe now

competition success review magazine online purchase

competition success review magazine online purchase

competition success review magazine online purchase published this article page no 203 

A total of 156 sewerage infrastructure projects has been sanctioned to create 4856 MLD treatment capacity in the Ganga basin. In 2014 only 28 projects existed for only 462.85 MLD the Figure IV indicates the scaling up of efforts to bridge the past gap between sewage generation and treatment capacity and create adequate capacity for 15 years.

competition success review magazine online purchase now 

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Banking services chronicle

 Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle Published this articles   page No 107

ddws leads the monitoring and evaluation of the sbm phase ii work in coordination with the states/uts and districts. the monitoring and evaluation has two aspects first is ensuring the status of odf plus villages and second is that of created assets and expenditure incurred.Banking services chronicle subscribe now

Banking services chronicle

 Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle Published this articles   page No 108

The monitoring framework should be able to identify whether adequate iec activities have been carried out for behavior change odf status of the village is sustained adequate slwm has been ensured and the village is visibly clean.Banking services chronicle subscribe now

Banking services chronicle

 Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle Published this articles   page No 109

monitoring activities are aimed towards attainment of programmer results both effectively and efficiently. these include independent assessments periodic reviews field visits and thematic consultations to ascertain the progress of the programme. monitoring of both qualitative (outcomes) and quantitative (output) progress is provided in the operational guidelines.Banking services chronicle subscribe now

Friday, April 23, 2021

Competition success review monthly magazine free

Competition success review monthly magazine free

competition success review monthly magazine publish this article page  no 2 stories like that of tashigang are one part of a series of success stories of jal jeevan mission the flagship programme of the union government which aims to provide tap water connection to every rural household of the country by 2024. this resolve can be traced back to the words of the honble prime minister who equated patti (water) with parmeshwar (god) and paras (elixir) during one of his "mann ki haat" talks. for the team of jal jeevan providing water transgresses the lines of being only a policy to be implemented for us it is an act of bringing god (parmeshwar) into peoples homes an act in the service of humanity as well as god competition success review monthly subscription.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

General science biology

General science biology

General science biology published this article page no 18 a similar effort is to be carried out by creating a rural community youth fellowship program focussing on harnessing the talent of a young innovator and creating a viable solution to a local sdg challenge. the programme can be implemented as an extension of an existing incubator or by creating a separate space exclusively for preincubation like the acics general science syllabus for upsc. 

General science biology

General science biology

General science biology published this article page no 17 the startups and rural india is still struggling to solve as a whole. but with the advent of new reforms in the agricultural sector there is an opportunity given to the young innovators living this agricultural challenge dayin and day out to institutionalise local solutions general science syllabus for upsc.

General science biology

General science biology

General science biology published this article page no 22 they can support the farmers by providing them with technology driven solutions for quick harvesting and with proper storage facilities. the startups can provide the farmers a direct market linkage or may decide to become the buyer of the farm product. the startup and the farmers can also enter into an agreement to make a valueadded product from the farm product and sell the product in the market together. all of the above opportunities exist for startups to and create a real change in the agrarian economy general science biology syllabus buy.

competition wizard subscription

 competition wizard subscription

competition wizard subscription  published this article page no 16 with the advent of new technologies like the ai and block chain the entrepreneurs can solve the farming woes of the country. these technologies will not only provide inputs on the growing patterns of the crops but also provide farmers with the knowledge of domestic and global demands of the market. the startups can provide the farmers with quality seeds technology driven irrigation and precision agriculture mechanisms water conservation and demand forecast based market opportunities in the preharvesting phase competition wizard subscription latest.

competition wizard books

 competition wizard books

competition wizard books published this article page no 15 a similar effort is to be carried out by creating a rural community youth fellowship program focussing on harnessing the talent of a young innovator and creating a viable solution to a local sdg challenge. the programme can be implemented as an extension of an existing incubator or by creating a separate space exclusively for preincubation like the acics. such a program would be highly beneficial in a tier ii and iii city rural areas or areas that traditionally do not have a strong entrepreneurial ecosystem. by giving the youth space and support to start and grow local enterprises the fellowship would create much needed momentum required for entrepreneurship in the region along with giving a kickstart to the rural economy competition wizard magazine subscription.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Science reporter

 Science reporter

How do Viruses Attack Plants?

these kind of articles helps the students who are intrested in agriculure and these kind of articles help to know better about plants through Science reporter Plants are just as susceptible to viral infections as other living organisms. Plant viruses can not directly penetrate the host cell as plants have a cell wall to protect their cells. Till there is no evidence that a receptor of cell wall allows the plant virus to enter host cell through endocytosis which is very cornmon for human and animal viruses. So  a wound is necessary for a plant virus to enter a plant celL The wound may be created by weather insects animals or even human activities during agricultural operations.Science reporter  virus always  spreads through different vectors like insects nematodes fung Once a plant gets a viral infection  the majority trlong to the order Hemiptera which includes aphids planth cvpers leafh (mers bugs etc which attack plants. More than 70 per cent of known plant viruses are transmitted by insects. Many viruses may pass to new offspring through  propagating materials of plants pollen etc. Upon entering into the plant cell plant viruses translate their proteins replicate their genome and move fmm one cell to another celL During these processes plant viruses continuously exploit different host proteins interact with different proteins and thus regulate different cellular pathways. Such interue interaction ultimately leads to the development of abnormalities or symptom. this kind of articles always help the students through which he can know better about the viruses with Science reporter

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Banking service chronicle monthly magazine buy

Banking service chronicle monthly magazine buy

Banking service chronicle monthly magazine buy published this article page no 6 the state has already adopted computerised billing to ensure accuracy; one district even provides on the spot billing using the water supply billing application the water billing has been successfully rolled out to all consumers, with affordable water tariffs to all the need to assure piped drinking water to every citizen Banking services chronicle magazine.