Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Science reporter

 Science reporter

How do Viruses Attack Plants?

these kind of articles helps the students who are intrested in agriculure and these kind of articles help to know better about plants through Science reporter Plants are just as susceptible to viral infections as other living organisms. Plant viruses can not directly penetrate the host cell as plants have a cell wall to protect their cells. Till there is no evidence that a receptor of cell wall allows the plant virus to enter host cell through endocytosis which is very cornmon for human and animal viruses. So  a wound is necessary for a plant virus to enter a plant celL The wound may be created by weather insects animals or even human activities during agricultural operations.Science reporter  virus always  spreads through different vectors like insects nematodes fung Once a plant gets a viral infection  the majority trlong to the order Hemiptera which includes aphids planth cvpers leafh (mers bugs etc which attack plants. More than 70 per cent of known plant viruses are transmitted by insects. Many viruses may pass to new offspring through  propagating materials of plants pollen etc. Upon entering into the plant cell plant viruses translate their proteins replicate their genome and move fmm one cell to another celL During these processes plant viruses continuously exploit different host proteins interact with different proteins and thus regulate different cellular pathways. Such interue interaction ultimately leads to the development of abnormalities or symptom. this kind of articles always help the students through which he can know better about the viruses with Science reporter

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