Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Arihant current affairs magazine

 Arihant current affairs magazine

Wyoming Could Play A Key Role In U.S. Nuclear Future

Arihant current affairs magazine Will the Wyoming Uranium Province Rival Canadas Athabasca or Australias Northern Territories?  “Geology is 90 percent terminology and 10 percent science,” laughed Ray E. Harris, one of Wyomings leading geological theoreticians, having been with the Wyoming Geological Survey since 1982. He died on March 7th. Two weeks earlier, we met with and interviewed Mr. Harris. Everyone we met in Wyoming, and who was interested in uranium mining, had, at one time or another, passed through his office, which was adjacent to the University of Wyoming in Laramie.  Ray Harris traveled the world, investigating and studying uranium deposits. arihant current affairs magazine subscription  He was well versed on the geology of every significant uranium deposit on earth and was also involved in the exploration, development and mining of uranium. In a Geological Survey of Wyoming Public Information Circular, published in 1986, Ray Harris presented a unique, and possibly controversial, thesis, current affairs  “The genesis of uranium deposits in Athabasca, Canada and Northern Australia – Wyoming exploration significance.” In his introduction, Harris wrote: “Wyoming has some uranium occurrences in geological environments similar to those of Australia and the Athabasca Basin, and appears to have the potential for a uranium deposit similar in magnitude to those deposits. current affairs English ” Harris acknowledged in his paper, “Reported reserves for these two regions are 436,360,000 tons of U3O8, or one quarter to one third of the noncommunist worlds proven reserves.” At the same time, the total 1982 U.S. uranium reserves at $30/pound stood at 203,000 tons. Wyomings piece of that mineable pie stood at 32,700 tons. His was a bold statement, open to debate it not outright dispute and dismissal best english magazine for current affairs.

 Arihant current affairs magazine

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