Saturday, October 16, 2021

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher this is science magazine in india  published this article page no 5 The web is covered with stories regarding the benefits of professional computer certification and most of them are backed up with salary surveys and the like.  While theres certainly nothing wrong with making more money and having better job prospects theres one benefit of certification that many candidates forget about. Confidence. You cant pay your rent with confidence you cant pay for gas with confidence you cant pay for ANYTHING with confidence right  So who cares right Wrong.  The confidence you build from truly earning a certification whether its an MCSE CCNA or CCIE cannot be purchased borrowed or stolen.  It has to be earned. What do I mean by truly earned  First Im referring to those little documents out there generally referred to as braindumps.   If you buy one of these things and happen to skate by a certification exam did you learn anything  No.  Did you learn anything  No.  Are you going to be effective on the job  No.  As I tell my students when youre standing in front of a server or router that isnt working and all eyes are on you to troubleshoot the problem the correct answer is not B.  There is no multiple choice. Secondly Im referring to the hope that the certification you earn was earned by taking a demanding exam junior science refresher magazine buy.

Junior Science Refresher

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