Monday, November 1, 2021

Competition success magazine

Competition success magazine

Competition success magazine use full for civil services students  published this article page no 59 For those holding MCDBAs your current certification will remain valid and youll have a chance to upgrade to the new certification with SQL Server 2005. Those of us who have been on the certification track for a while remember the outcry when Microsoft planned to phase out the much-maligned NT 4.0 certification in the move to Windows 2000.  There was quite an outcry from many certified individuals who felt MS was being unreasonable in their timetable and planned lack of support for the 4.0 certification.  Whether you agree with Microsofts planned changes  I urge you to visit Microsofts certification site regularly to keep up with these changes. Whether you choose to pursue any of these new tracks is your decision but you owe it to yourself and your career to know about the new tracks.  Change is inevitable in IT and the IT certification world and you must be aware of these changes competition success.

Competition success magazine

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