Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Csr gk today magazine subscription

 Csr gk today magazine subscription

Csr gk today magazine subscription Its impossible to evaluate what exactly this means for Berkshire or what it tells us about Buffetts thinking without knowing more details. But, there are a few things Id suggest you consider when reading the news reports. First, the $14 billion headline number makes this bet look larger than it really is. jagran josh According to the above disclosure, a 30% decline in the underlying indices would only create a $900 million pre-tax loss. One article stated that a decline in the indexes to zero was highly unlikely given historical trends. Its a lot more than highly unlikely. But, since we dont know the details of Berkshires exposure, we cant evaluate the real risk of a very large loss gktoday, .

 Csr gk today magazine subscription

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