Monday, January 3, 2022

competition in focus

competition in focus

competition in focus Published this article page no 25 People will have to do what they can to keep everything in their home in working order. If you have carpentry, plumbing, electrical and a wide variety of other relevant skills, you can be a big help to those people. You might even have success at teaching these skills to others.You name it, someone will be interested in it. Whether its using tools, playing music, sewing or storytelling. The lessons likely to do best will be those focused on basic essentials, saving money and protecting health, such as gardening, food canning, inexpensive home cooking, yoga and other health exercises, meditation and relaxation, herb foraging and use, and pet care.Considering setting up an instructional video library; videos and DVDs that teach people various skills, whether theyre home or car repair, sewing, musical, language or any of hundreds of other subjects competition in focus magazine buy.


competition in focus

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