Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Knowledge Quest Magazine

Knowledge Quest Magazine

Knowledge Quest Magazine covers all general knowledge for class 1-8  published this article page no 7 The fact that wind is a naturally occurring event makes it a great energy source. Consider the following:1. Wind is a renewable energy source because it will exist as long as sunlight beats down on us.2. Wind has been used by man as an energy source ever since weve sailed boats.3. The first windmills were used to turn wheels to grind grain in Iran. 4. American colonist used windmills to move water, grind grain and cut wood.5. Wind energy harnessed by windmills was a dominant source of energy in rural America in the 1920s.6. In modern times, California is the biggest user of wind power and produces twice as much electricity as any other state.7. Modern windmills actually come in two forms, vertical and horizontal models. 8. Horizontal windmills are the stereotypical version that comes to your mind when the word is mentioned.9. Vertical mills look like upside down egg beaters, but are hypnotic when they spin. 10. Unlike traditional utilities, most energy produced by wind is done by private businesses and sold to utilities through an electric grid hookup. 11. Wind power in the U.S. generates a whopping 17 billion kilowatts per year, more than enough to provide all electrical needs for the city of Chicago. 12. More than 30 states have wind farms generating and supplying electricity to utility companies. 13. California, Texas, Minnesota, Iowa, and Wyoming are the dominant forces in producing energy from wind.14. The biggest energy producer from wind is Germany, which is also dominant in solar power production. For many, these wind findings will be a surprise. The sole fact that there is enough power produced by wind energy to handle a city the size of Chicago is pretty impressive. As we move into the 21st century, new technology is heading in the direction of creating wind energy platforms for individual residences knowledge questions in english buy.


Knowledge Quest Magazine

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