Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle published this article page no 2 the temple complex is an architectural marvel in itself.  the logistic challenges in handling voluminous stones and other materials are done impressively.  the pyramidal design of the structure shows the true structural and constructional genius of that age. it is a square chamber of 7.9 meters sides.  the eastern side has the grand entry to the main shrine.  measured about 1.6-meter diameter the lingabanam is positioned in a circular pedestal measuring 5.25 meters in diameter. Banking service chronicle magazine the sanctum sanctorum is approached by a series of mandapams from the eastern side. monolithic nandi (sacred bull) is placed in the front of the main shrine.  it was built in the reign of rajaraja-i but later replaced in nayaka period by a new nandi monolith Banking service chronicle magazine subscription.

Banking service chronicle

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