Saturday, January 20, 2024

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle this article was published in the month of november reservation on economic criteria alone did not violate the basic structure of the constitution. scs earlier jurisprudence i.e “economic criteria cannot be sole basis for determination of backwardness” is somewhat restricted to reservation provided to sebcs. Banking service chronicle magazine and ews is deemed a separate and distinct category.  exclusion of sc/st sebc was a part of reasonable classification and necessary to avoid double benefits. o also reservations as a concept cannot be ruled out in private institutions where education is imparted.  50% rule formed in indira sawhney judgment in 1992 has not been held to be inflexible and inviolable for all times to come. further it had applied only to sc/st/sebc/obc communities and not the general category. indira sawhney case 1992- crux of scs judgement  backward class of citizens can be identified on basis of caste system but cannot be identified only & exclusively with reference to economic criteria Banking service chronicle magazine subscription

Banking service chronicle

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