Monday, August 9, 2021

Banking service chronicle

 Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe published this article page no 7 when you open pandoras box you do not know what will come out. politically pandoras box is the equivalent of the law of unintended consequences. we are paying a price for opening the box america with its treasure and energy and more importantly our soldiers with their lives and limbs. we did not arm our soldiers well many pay for their own body armor and are cannibalizing steel off of other vehicles to reinforce the steel of the vehicles they drive. this happens in a country as rich as ours. the president wages war but sought no sacrifice from the american people. instead he expands the national debt to finance the war and puts the burden on our unborn children to pay for. simultaneously he created tax cuts for the rich which i approve of but not in a time of deficit banking service chronicle monthly magazine.

 Banking service chronicle

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