Saturday, August 28, 2021

Shine india monthly magazine

 Shine india monthly magazine 

Shine india monthly magazine  published this article page no 8 the second sentry a german nco turned to see what was happening and on seeing the british paratroopers running towards him pulled out the verey pistol that he was carrying.  pte billy gray sent a burst from his bren towards him and lt den brotheridge fired off a full magazine from his sten.  the german nco was hit by a storm of bullets but as he fell dead to the ground the verey pistol went off and a flare shot up into the night as the flare went off cpl bailey and his two men arrived at the pillbox and tossed their grenades in through the weapon slits the grenades were followed up with a burst of fire and they looked inside when the dust settled to find no one left alive pte wally parr was just running on to the bridge when the flare shot skywards he saw the door of a nearby dugout half open and abruptly shut again.  pulling out a grenade he ran across the road and by the time he got to the dugout the pin was out.  opening the door just enough to throw it in he tossed the grenade through the opening and quickly shut the door shine india monthly magazine telugu.

 Shine india monthly magazine 

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