Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Shine india monthly magazine

 Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthlymagazine published this article page no  13 the stalling of us and uk ambitions for turkey to become a member of the eu during december 2006 has presented a challenge for tony blair during his sunset period as british prime minister. turkey is a longstanding member of nato and was actively supported by successive us administrations during the cold war with the ussr due to its strategic location. after the collapse of communism turkey assumed a new importance as a model for a secular and democratic muslim state. in addition its boundaries with syria iraq and iran place it adjacent to several axis of evil states. it is well known that the us wished to use turkey as a launch pad for invading northern iraq but this request was refused. however the incirlik airbase in south east turkey remains in us use although this receives little publicity. what is less well known is that the us has made several overtures for turkey to join the coalition forces currently occupying iraq. following the resignation of donald rumsfeld the bush administration has signalled a new strategy for iraq and the inclusion of turks in the multinational force would be a major achievement shine india monthly magazine telugu.

 Shine india monthly magazine

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