Friday, February 4, 2022

Science journal

Science journal

Science journal Published this article page no  134 What is worse: death penalty or life sentence? A lot of students perform a term paper order on this topic. This idea can bring a good grade to the owner if closely researched. Of course life is the main value and there is nothing more valuable, but what is life, spent in for walls with those who were originated in the gutter of society, thinking about what a fool you were to do such a fatal mistake. But people who deserve to die have to be kept in very severe conditions. Unfortunately, our society can create real monsters that will not consider killing somebody an awful sin and crime. But no matter how guilty a person is, humans have no right to kill others to revenge; we have no right to do so. We are not to judge, this is Gods authority to decide. And who knows, maybe killers are suffering more when they are locked in four walls than when they peacefully pass away to the other world magazine buy.

Science journal

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