Friday, February 4, 2022



Science Published this article page no  135 Just about everyone these days has heard about  demon possession , it was made a household name by the 1973 movie  The Exorcist , and again it has become popular after the 2005 movie  The Exorcism Of Emily Rose . To myself and thousands of others, we have known and believed in demon possession for a long time from another source, the Holy Bible. The Bible written in sections or books, some more than a couple thousand years ago, tells us all we need to know about demon possession and that it is a very real condition.In this day and age, when you mention demons or demon possession, most folks laugh or joke about it. Do these same folks laugh and joke about the Holy Bible ? To laugh and joke about the belief of demons and demon possession, is the same as laughing and joking about the Holy Bible and the word of God. If you are a true Christian and you believe in the Holy Bible as being the divinely inspired word of God, then you should have no doubts about the existence of demons and demon possession science today magazine buy.


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