Friday, February 25, 2022

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

Get latest issue shine india monthly magazine published this article page no 22 every day in america each man woman and child generates nearly four pounds of trash. thats over one trillion pounds of solid waste or 365 trillion pounds each year. its a staggering statistic when you consider the environmental effect that much garbage has on our fragile adults its easy to forget the importance of the 3 rs our world depends on-reducing reusing and recycling-for the health and safety of future generations. its those future generations--our children--that will bear the consequences of todays environmental mismanagement unless an effort is made to improve upon current behaviors.for the third year one hotel company is stepping up to the task helping kids to think globally and act locally by educating them on how to properly care for the environment. with help from the national arbor day foundation doubletree hotels is distributing an environmentally focused lesson plan that provides the framework for taking would-be waste and recycling it into artistic treasures to thousands of elementary school students in the u.s. and canada shine india monthly magazine onlineshine india monthly magazine subscription.

shine india monthly magazine

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