Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Meri saheli magazine

Meri saheli magazine

Meri saheli magazine Published this article It is the only deepsea port in Iran with direct ocean access.Its geographic proximity to countries such as Afghanistan Pakistan and India as well as its status as a key transit center on the burgeoning International NorthSouth Transport Corridor(INSTC) gives it the potential to develop into one of the most important commercial hubs in the region family magazine subscribe now.

Meri saheli magazine

Monday, September 26, 2022

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine  Published this article Need for a no.objection certificate NOC. by all 54 Ground water Extraction and Usages  89% of ground water extracted is used in irrigation sector followed by domestic use 9%.. industrial use 2%..  50% of urban water requirements and 85% of rural domestic water requirements are also fulfilled by ground water.  As per an official assessment of groundwater in India. of the 6.607 assessment units blocks. mandals. talukas and districts.. 1.071 are over.exploited. 217 are critical. 697 are semi.critical. 4.580 are safe and 92 are saline. industries. mining and infrastructure dewatering projects whether existing or new that draw or propose to draw groundwater. However. farmers have been exempted from obtaining NOCs.  No NOC for extraction of groundwater for construction activities in project in critical and over.exploited areas.  Levying a new water conservation fee based on quantum of groundwater extracted per unit area may vary from ₹1 to ₹ 6 per cubic metre where a cubic metre is 1.000 litres.  Exemption of government infrastructure projects. government water supply agencies and group housing societies. private housing societies with only basic amenities. from the water conservation fee Shine india monthly magazine.  

Shine india monthly magazine

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Meri saheli magazine

 Meri saheli magazine

Meri saheli magazine Published this article its five major programs are o education o natural sciences o socialhuman sciences o culture o communicationinformation.  kurdistan is a protostate located in the north of iraq and constitutes the countrys only autonomous region.  the region is officially governed by the kurdistan regional government krg) with the capital being erbil. who are kurds?  the kurds are widely recognized to be the largest stateless national group in the world.  kurdistan is home to numerous languages religions and political factions and is known for its strong cultural unity. after world war i britain and france carved up the ottoman empire leaving the kurds scattered mainly over four countries iraq iran turkey and syria.  they suffered persecution and were often denied the right to speak their language.  after the u.s.led invasion of iraq they managed to get a better deal in the new regime and enhanced their autonomy following iraqs entanglement in the civil war against the islamic state is).  kurds are an important partner for iraq in the fight against the is with the u.s. also treating the peshmerga forces iraqi kurdistan military forces) as an ally family magazine subscribe now.

Meri saheli magazine

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Meri saheli magazine

Meri saheli magazine

Meri saheli magazine Published this article it will improve india.s ranking in logistics performance index of world bank 2016 index ranked india at 35.. hydropower generation in india challenges and prospects why in news in a recent presentation to ministry of power various challenges leading to stalling up of hydroelectric power plants were highlighted. more about the news  india.s total generation capacity stands at 330gw. of which 44gw is from hydropower.  india has hydro potential of 148gw 5th largest in the world. but only 30 per cent of the total potential is harnessed.  the share of hydropower in the overall energy mix has been falling since 1962.63 when it stood at 51 per cent. against 13 per cent today. the presentation pointed out while 592 hydro projects of total 145.3 gw capacity have been allotted across the country. only 30.7 per cent of the projects have been completed as yet. 31 major challenges  huge time and cost overruns. hydropower projects are getting completed at two or more times the sanctioned cost and in double the sanctioned time. for e.g. nathpa jhakri. tehri. koldam etc.  high upfront cost. hydropower projects are capital.intensive and financing them. by finding an optimum balance between bankability and affordability. is often a challenge meri saheli magazine subscription.

Meri saheli magazine

Meri saheli magazine

Meri saheli magazine

Meri saheli magazine Published this article it was clarified that the need for intent has to be established. inner party democracy why in news? indian prime minister recently spoke about need for inner party democracy in the country. about intraparty democracy  internal democracy in political parties refers to the level and methods of including party members in the decision making and deliberation within the party structure.  since independence the authority in organizational matters has mostly been from the top to the bottom. thus leadership in most political parties in india may be democratic in appearance but is highly oligarchic in reality.  unlike some countries like germany and portugal india has no legal provision for enforcing internal democracy in a political party apart from few related provisions in section 29a of rpa & in election commission guidelines meri saheli magazine subscription.

Meri saheli magazine

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher

Junior Science Refresher Published this article  some structured settlement agreements state that payments cannot be assigned and your legal counsel will advise you of options and alternatives if yours is written with such a clause. fortunately state laws and recent case law have rendered contracts written with such provisions unenforceable although other regulations may apply. how can you determine todays lump sum value of your structured settlement payments? this depends in part upon the amount of each payment and when it is due. the payment amount and schedule will be outlined in your structured settlement agreement. it is also affected by the financial strength of the issuer of your annuity because the better the financial position of the issuer the more likely it is that the purchaser of your cash stream will be paid. the current financial climate as well as interest rates will also affect your cash-out amount. your financing company will explain these calculations and assumptions to you. what steps do you need to take? - first you really need to take a hard look at whether receiving your funds now will truly be best for you and your family junior science refresher magazine buy.

Junior Science Refresher

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

mahendra current affairs magazine

mahendra current affairs magazine

mahendra current affairs magazine Published this article  in these more civilized times the government not only banned this kind of barbaric action but made into law rules to protect us. the bankruptcy code also known by title 2 of the united states code (11 u.s.c.101-1330)  has been put into place to protect the rights of the individual and corporations giving them  a fighting chance against dept collectors bankruptcy courts having the final word. there are basically two kinds of dept secured an unsecured. secured is where the creditor has some kind of collateral be it your car boat house or any material thing of value that they can take possession of if the dept is not paid. unsecured is simply just the opposite where the creditor has no collateral at all. in this case if the dept is not paid all they can do is use a collection agency where they call you day and night. also you have to watch out with an unsecured dept because if the balance is large enough the creditor can put a lean on your property by getting a court order mahindra current affairs magazine buy online.

mahendra current affairs magazine

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

drishti current affairs today

drishti current affairs today

drishti current affairs today Published this article  Further optimising the E-waste recycling chain requires strict monitoring enforcement and tracking realization of economies of scale and global cooperation. Failing to address any of these elements will result in suboptimal resource efficiency while posing a risk to the environment. Enforcement of EPR targets and comprehensive monitoring of formal recycling flows and processes is a critical first step to avoid leakage of valuable materials to an uncontrolled informal sector. This monitoring will lead to the creation of a level playing field where all the stakeholders shall be held accountable for their actions during the process of collection dismantling processing extraction and recycling. Thus a stepwise approach is essential for optimizing the recycling chain during all stages of the process rather than only at the beginning or the end as the current policy advocates. All the steps involved in the recycling process should be critically benchmarked against international best practices to derive maximum financial environmental and resource efficiency drishti current affairs buy online.

drishti current affairs today

Thursday, September 1, 2022

meri saheli magazine

 meri saheli magazine 

meri saheli magazine Published this article  The policy identified 7 priority areas for improving the environment for health (a) Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (b) Balanced healthy diets and regular exercises (c) Addressing tobacco alcohol and substance abuse (d) Yatri Suraksha-preventing deaths due to rail and road accidents (e) Nirbhaya Nari-action against gender violence (f) Reduced stress and improved safety at work place and (g) reducing indoor and outdoor air pollution. Shifts in Public Health care Delivery There are 7 shifts in organising public healthcare services

1. Primary care-open selective care to assured comprehensive care with linkages to referral hospitals

2. Secondary and tertiary care-from an input oriented to an output-based strategic purchasing

 3. Public hospitals- from user fees and cost recovery to assured free drugs diagnostic and emergency services to all

 4. Infrastructure and human resource development-from normative approach to targeted approach to reach under-serviced areas 5. Urban health- from token interventions to on-scale assured interventions to organise primary health care delivery and referral support for urban poor.

6. National Health Programmes- integration with health systems for programme effectiveness and contributing to strengthening of health systems for efficiency and 7. AYUSH services-from stand alone to three dimensional mainstreaming. There is a gender disparity and male bias in health care globally nationally and locally in following ways

 1. In 2016 23.8 lakh patients visited AIIMS New Delhi for treatment but of them only 37% were women though it is confirmed that women report more illnesses than men but they are treated less. 2. Male bias is further exacerbated by poverty location and other social factors. 3. In the developed countries too women suffer from heart diseases as much as men but get recognised and treated far less than men. 4. Though womens bodies respond differently to drugs due to smaller organs higher fat & hormones but the medical tests / researches on male bodies are taken as reference point meri saheli magazine subscription

meri saheli magazine