Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Meri saheli magazine

 Meri saheli magazine

Meri saheli magazine Published this article its five major programs are o education o natural sciences o socialhuman sciences o culture o communicationinformation.  kurdistan is a protostate located in the north of iraq and constitutes the countrys only autonomous region.  the region is officially governed by the kurdistan regional government krg) with the capital being erbil. who are kurds?  the kurds are widely recognized to be the largest stateless national group in the world.  kurdistan is home to numerous languages religions and political factions and is known for its strong cultural unity. after world war i britain and france carved up the ottoman empire leaving the kurds scattered mainly over four countries iraq iran turkey and syria.  they suffered persecution and were often denied the right to speak their language.  after the u.s.led invasion of iraq they managed to get a better deal in the new regime and enhanced their autonomy following iraqs entanglement in the civil war against the islamic state is).  kurds are an important partner for iraq in the fight against the is with the u.s. also treating the peshmerga forces iraqi kurdistan military forces) as an ally family magazine subscribe now.

Meri saheli magazine

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