Thursday, September 15, 2022

Meri saheli magazine

Meri saheli magazine

Meri saheli magazine Published this article it will improve india.s ranking in logistics performance index of world bank 2016 index ranked india at 35.. hydropower generation in india challenges and prospects why in news in a recent presentation to ministry of power various challenges leading to stalling up of hydroelectric power plants were highlighted. more about the news  india.s total generation capacity stands at 330gw. of which 44gw is from hydropower.  india has hydro potential of 148gw 5th largest in the world. but only 30 per cent of the total potential is harnessed.  the share of hydropower in the overall energy mix has been falling since 1962.63 when it stood at 51 per cent. against 13 per cent today. the presentation pointed out while 592 hydro projects of total 145.3 gw capacity have been allotted across the country. only 30.7 per cent of the projects have been completed as yet. 31 major challenges  huge time and cost overruns. hydropower projects are getting completed at two or more times the sanctioned cost and in double the sanctioned time. for e.g. nathpa jhakri. tehri. koldam etc.  high upfront cost. hydropower projects are capital.intensive and financing them. by finding an optimum balance between bankability and affordability. is often a challenge meri saheli magazine subscription.

Meri saheli magazine

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