Monday, September 26, 2022

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine  Published this article Need for a no.objection certificate NOC. by all 54 Ground water Extraction and Usages  89% of ground water extracted is used in irrigation sector followed by domestic use 9%.. industrial use 2%..  50% of urban water requirements and 85% of rural domestic water requirements are also fulfilled by ground water.  As per an official assessment of groundwater in India. of the 6.607 assessment units blocks. mandals. talukas and districts.. 1.071 are over.exploited. 217 are critical. 697 are semi.critical. 4.580 are safe and 92 are saline. industries. mining and infrastructure dewatering projects whether existing or new that draw or propose to draw groundwater. However. farmers have been exempted from obtaining NOCs.  No NOC for extraction of groundwater for construction activities in project in critical and over.exploited areas.  Levying a new water conservation fee based on quantum of groundwater extracted per unit area may vary from ₹1 to ₹ 6 per cubic metre where a cubic metre is 1.000 litres.  Exemption of government infrastructure projects. government water supply agencies and group housing societies. private housing societies with only basic amenities. from the water conservation fee Shine india monthly magazine.  

Shine india monthly magazine

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