Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Banking service chronicle

 Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe  published this article page no 75 bush and his economic team make bill clinton and his treasury secretary robert rubin look like miracle workers spinning budget surpluses accompanied with historically low interest rates. military spending as a percent of gdp and adjusted for inflation is near all time lows at 3.3 percent of gdp according to the center for strategic and budgetary assessments in washington. absolute dollars spent on the military is not much more than the waning years of the reagan administration and once it is discounted for inflation below the reagan era of 6.1 percent of gdp. this is why the concept of overwhelming force can not be applied to iraq or any potential enemy for that matter and the real reason we are having trouble containing the middle east situation and unable to respond to the north korean threat at least on a conventional military basis. the bush family and their agents are all are military cutters not builders. closing military bases retiring medium range bombers cutting back the number of active army divisions and mothballing our battleship fleet have been their forte. way back in the nixon and ford years senior bush and rumsfeld supported defense cutbacks. they argue that historic military spending is down because the cold war is over banking service chronicle monthly magazine buy.

 Banking service chronicle

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