Thursday, September 16, 2021

sarita magazine

 sarita magazine

Get latest issue sarita magazine published this article page no 5 the french and germans have argued about the territories of alsace and lorraine for centuries.  in 1871 after losing the franco-prussian war france was forced to cede the territories back to prussia.  when germany invaded belgium in 1914 france seized upon the opportunity to restore its honor and reclaim the coal rich regions of alsace and lorraine.  on august 14 1914 the french army under the command of generals foch and dubail marched into lorraine.  the german forces (sixth army) were led by crown prince rupprecht and equipped with machine guns and heavy artillery. the german strategy was simple.  on august 14th they began a controlled retreat intending to draw the french armies into attacking heavily defended areas.  the french first and second armies easily marched forward.  on august 17th fochs xxth corps was able to seize château salins Sarita magazine Hindi family magazine subscribe now

 sarita magazine

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