Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Master in current affairs English

 Master in current affairs English

Master in current affairs English published by Mahendra Guru published this article page no 11 if the republican party is able to hold onto its majority in both the house and the senate in the coming elections it will be because of the ineptness of the democrats. the democrats have become a party without ideas with an ideology that hasnt worked in years and i am not hopeful that it will work in the immediate future. at the same time we must recognize the notion of accountability. in my work managing money i have to go back decades to understand certain companies and their institutional cultures. the same thing is true in politics. yes we have had scandals before. i remember vividly lyndon johnson and bobby baker and john kennedy and his german mistress who supposedly worked for the east german secret police the stasi. theres something about power. the historians tell you that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. the greatest compliment you can pay our country is to recognize that we settle things in the voting booth. when the voting booth cant settle it as in the presidential election in 2000 in florida the courts settle it. in the 2000 contested election it was the supreme court of the united states that settled it. in most countries of the world they settle things with a gun or several guns or better yet the military settles things with a coup. our way is far superior always has been always will be gk questions current affairs buy.

 Master in current affairs English

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