Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Competition in focus magazine

 Competition in focus magazine

Competition in focus magazine subscription English issue published this article page no 7 still slaves constituted more than half the population in some southern states (south carolina mississippi) and two fifths of the total southern populace (compared to an average of 5% in the north and 10% in new-york). of the first 12 presidents of the usa 8 were slave-owners. some slave-owners were themselves black and former slaves. the law even in the deep south recognized slaves as both chattel and human beings. slaves were held responsible for criminal acts they had committed for instance and enjoyed many human rights (e.g. the right not to be killed tortured or beaten brutally to be cared for in old age or sickness to receive religious instruction to bring suit and give evidence in some cases). case law and non-binding custom endowed them with additional privileges the right to marry own private property (peculium) have free time enter contracts and (if female or child) be consigned to lighter labor best magazine competitions.

 Competition in focus magazine

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