Monday, May 16, 2022

competition success magazine

competition success magazine

competition success magazine Published this article page no  05 You pitch a fit when your favorite salad bar serves cheese made with non-vegetarian rennet, then drive the kids to Burgers Burgers Burgers. Your children spend more time in the TV den than in treetops and you think that’s acceptable. You get a building permit and three estimates to hang a painting. Any chimes ringing? If so, remove yourself form Urbania immediately! Your twig is at maximum contortion! Give the country three years and you will stay. Transition is difficult, but once your up-tight attitude is vanquished, your twig unbends. These are the indicators you are settling in to the ‘Simple Life.’ You’re having your morning coffee. A cow walks through the front yard. You don’t own a cow. You sit down and drink your coffee. Shoes’ matching each other is low on the list of daily priorities. Your outhouse is not just a chic lawn ornament. You save getting the chickens drunk for when you have houseguests. You have no idea where your cell phone went, but the Border Collie is wearing your pager. You drive to work past ‘that same old herd of buffalo’. Your bird feeder expenses are equivalent to the Gross National Product of Canada. Elk mounts ordain the walls of your favorite salad bar. Your children spend more time in the their tree house than in school. Yes, these are definitely telltale signs, you have lost that city pace. Although you can never voluntarily raise your stress level back to match city slickers, you have not lost yourself completely. Search the little places. Vestiges of your past will appear. These are the traits of an American Hybrid. While having your morning cappuccino, a cow walks through the front yard. You don’t own a cow. You toss it a biscotti. You can’t decide whether to paint the walls of the outhouse in a contemporary or impressionistic motif. You use the word motif in the same sentence with outhouse. You actually make homemade preserves – wild chokecherries with a boisterous zinfandel you picked up in Napa last season. Mascara before milking. You winter in the gulf of Siam. You summer in bib overalls. You smile and say, “Hi,” to strangers only because you know it screws with their minds. You could never shoot a deer, but you can dress that sucker out in under two hours. You fence in a sarong and thongs. (This one gets the neighbors talking.) You frequently run to town for Hawaiian Tofu and Goat Chow. You have a different pair of hiking boots for every occasion. Egyptian cotton sheets and a commissioned replica of Picasso’s Woman with Three Breasts enclose the baby chickens being reared in your bedroom closet. It’s true, every day more and more of us are getting too screwed up to ever return to the city. Still, for all our differences country folk and city slickers posses one commonality. Neither group thinks twice about the US Government’s Food Pyramid. I guess we have to start somewhere competition success review buy.

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