Friday, May 20, 2022

competition success magazine

competition success magazine

competition success magazine Published this article page no 04  Think about this calculation: if you have three normal friends, then you, unfortunately are the fourth one out. In other words, the fourth person with a mental illness is none other than you. 3) Why do we press down hard on the remote control even though we know that the batteries are weak. 4) Supposedly the man from the jungle lives in the jungle, yes? Then, how and where did his beard disappear to? 5) Switched those bulbs that are enclosed in tight plastic shutters? Have you noticed that whenever you go to do that there are always dead bugs inside? How did they manage to get there? 6) Still use plastic bags instead of the more nature-friendly paper ones? Ok. Then, pray tell, why can’t I ever manage to open one on my 1st attempt? 7) Why, pray tell, do doctors just about to inject a prisoner with a lethal injection check that the needle is sterilized? 8) Have you noticed that if your bank account gets overdrawn, your bank will add an extra charge? Why do they do that? Should you maybe inform them that the reason your checkings account is overdrawn is because you don’t have money? 9) Why don’t we ever hear jokes about father-in-laws? 10) If people run into a sign near a park bench saying that the paint is wet, every one will touch it to check. If this is so, why don’t these same folk verify the star count of around four billion stars so stated according to various scientists? 11) How many times will be keep coming back and opening the door to the fridge when we are hungry? Do we really think that food will appear there miraculously? 12) Notice how bullets bounce off superman’s chests, but the moment the villain throws the empty revolver, this same invincible superman ducks. Shouldn’t the revolver bounce off his chest too? 13) I’m sure you’ve heard of the evolutionary claim that mankind has evolved from monkeys. Before I am to believe this, I want to know that if this is so why are monkeys still roaming earth? 14) Why is it that when we try to catch something that is falling off a table, our hand knocks down something else? 15) Heard of the Jap airplane pilots who towards the end of the Second World War crashed their planes into American naval ships? Why did these guys even think of wearing a helmet? 16) Why do people move a vacuum cleaner over a small piece of thread again and again competition success review buy. 

competition success magazine

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