Monday, May 16, 2022

meri saheli magazine

meri saheli magazine

meri saheli magazine Published this article page no 49  Relaxed, Happy American: Lots of perspective. For instance, if my body represented my life, I allocate for daily events something about the size of my index finger. NewsLaugh: Your index finger? Well, then, how about the rest of you? Relaxed, Happy American: Oh, that’s the wholeness of my life, start to finish, I figure, maybe eighty some years – big space, especially compared to the idea of living for the moment, which, to me, is the perfect prescription for becoming way too frazzled. Newslaugh: What about the idea that only the present moment exists? Relaxed, Happy American: Oh, come on, that’s like looking at your lawn and saying the only blade of grass is the one that’s currently tickling your toe. Newslaugh: Fair enough. So how does that apply to your everyday life? Relaxed, Happy American: Easy. I never let anything in the outside world or, for that matter, in my personal life, get bigger than the wholeness, of which every event or aspect is, logically, only a part.  In fact, I never subordinate my whole life to anything, even when somebody I love is behaving incomprehensibly. Otherwise, I would be doing an injustice to it. Comprende? NewsLaugh: Si, Senor! Relaxed, Happy American: Muchas Gracias. NewsLaugh: I notice you spoke a little Spanish there? Relaxed, Happy American: So did you. NewsLaugh: Very little. But you don’t look Hispanic? Relaxed, Happy American: No, I don’t, and for a good reason.  I’m not.  But my building is staffed with people whose first language is Espanol. So I speak a little of it to get preferential treatment. For instance, my air conditioner is already ready for summer. How about you? Newslaugh: It’s how I ingratiate myself at Mexican restaurants. But back to the taco we were talking about. Certainly, there are other things that contribute to your relaxed and happy attitude? Relaxed, Happy American: Yes, there are. I actually feel I owe it to my life to do the best I can with my mind, my feelings, and my body – if the three can be separated – and I get so many emotional rewards from what that inspires me to do, they make me happy. NewsLaugh: Sounds like a nice pastime. Do you ever think it may be a little self-centered? Relaxed, Happy American: Oh, come on meri saheli magazine subscription buy.

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