Friday, May 20, 2022

competition success magazine

competition success magazine

competition success magazine  Published this article page no 03  Before I am to believe this, I want to know that if this is so why are monkeys still roaming earth? 14) Why is it that when we try to catch something that is falling off a table, our hand knocks down something else? 15) Heard of the Jap airplane pilots who towards the end of the Second World War crashed their planes into American naval ships? Why did these guys even think of wearing a helmet? 16) Why do people move a vacuum cleaner over a small piece of thread again and again. Why do we pick it up, examine it and then place it back down and move the vacuum cleaner over it to give it a second chance? 17) A visit to one of the many soap shops that have sprung up all over and you’ll find that soaps come in all kinds of colours. But then, why does the bubbles always turn out white? 18) Is it winter or summer wherever you are right now? Have you noticed that if it is summer we try and make the house as cold as it would be during winter, and if it is winter, we try and make the house as hot as it would during summer? 19) Is there any day when mattresses are not on sale? 20) Isn’t it silly that when if wandering through one of the large shopping malls someone doesn’t pay attention and the cart they are pushing smacks into your toes, and then they say sorry, all we can think of saying is that no harm was done while your toe is aching. Note: Uncanny facts and features are not novel. The fact that we humans have strange habits is not new too. But, I have pointed out some of the few irregularities that we live with. This article is for entertainment purposes alone and doesn’t try and offend or create new realities. So, take it in the appropriate manner too.Rammy JohnsonFacts, oddities, incidental details: these are only some of the few things I examine in the following twenty features I have come up with concerning life and all its intricacies. Some will make you laugh, others will make you scratch your chin, but whatever your behaviour, each and every one of these twenty or so queries. 1) How come when you close a glue cap the glue sticks but this same paste does not stick to the sides of the glue tube? 2 ) Academic research has detailed reports stating that from a group of four men or women one will most certainly have a mental ailment of some kind or the other competition success review buy.

competition success magazine

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