Wednesday, June 23, 2021

banking services chronicle magazine pdf in english november 2019

 banking services chronicle magazine pdf in english november 2019

banking services chronicle magazine pdf in english november 2019 Published this article page no  As an illustrative example tariffs discovered in the Rewa solar park projects is largely attributed to the availability of concessional funds and the availability of payment security mechanisms to protect developers interests. For the Rewa project four layers of payment security ensure that in the case of any delay or even natural calamities that may lead to a transmission disruption payment to developers is still guaranteed. The first tier of the security mechanism is a letter of credit provided by off-takers DMRC and MPPMCL that equals a one-month bill for the energy generated by developers. The second tier is a payment security fund operated by Rewa Ultra Mega Solar Limited (RUMS). It consists of three months of payment assurances in case the off-takers delay or make a payment error. This three-month payment guarantee comes on top of the one-month line of credit provided by offtakers. The third tier is the state guarantee that if there are payment delays by off-takers then the state will step in to pay the difference or the pending amount to the developers. The state government is also providing the fourth tier of payment security by agreeing to bear the cost in cases where a transmission outage lasts beyond 50 hours. These provisions are now widely referred to as a model for de- risking Off-takers risk. banking services chronicle magazine pdf in english november 2019

 banking services chronicle magazine pdf in english november 2019

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