Friday, June 11, 2021

competition success review magazine pdf

 competition success review magazine pdf

 competition success review magazine pdf Publish this articles page no  From the large-scale loss of livelihoods to health issues related to lack of availability of safe drinking· water to people migrating the impact of water scarcity is severe. This is compounded by climate change which makes precipitation patterns erratic.  Small and marginal farmers women and weaker sections of the society disproportionately bear· the brunt of groundwater depletion and contamination. Defects in Earlier Approach of Water Conservation It did not focus on reducing demand through more efficient use.·  It suffered from a top-down approach with little or no community participation.·  Most of these schemes were implemented in isolation.·  Lessons learned from success stories of community-led groundwater management mostly in the· non-government space were not incorporated The Community Leads the Way  Success stories of initiatives taken up at Hivre Bazaar Ralegaon Siddhi and elsewhere in the· country provided inspiring examples of community-based groundwater management.  In the Hivre Bazar village in Maharashtra combined efforts of locals turned a drought-ridden village· into a thriving community.  The water table in the village rose from 70-80 feet to 20 to 25 feet change in cropping pattern· was brought about and the standard of living improved considerably due to economic stability. VAJIRAM AND RAVI Yojana Summary-April 2021 Page 11 Atal Jal   Scaling-up Informed Demand Management  The need for Government interv·ention was felt to institutionalise this approach community-led approach. competition success review magazine pdf


competition success review magazine pdf

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