Thursday, June 24, 2021

science reporter magazine annual subscription

 science reporter magazine annual subscription

science reporter magazine annual subscription Published this article  Agriculture and allied sectors are the primary source of livelihood for nearly 55 per cent of Indias population (Census 2011) but accounted only for approximately 17.8 per cent of the countrys Gross Value Added (GVA) in 2019-201 . The yields on cereal crops are about 50 per cent lower in India than in countries such as the United States or China2  and speak to the numerous structural barriers that continue to persist in the sector. With agricultural output being utilised as important input for various industries including retail and e-commerce the importance of agriculture and improving yields becomes all the more pressing. The average size of farm holdings in the country is just over 1 hectare with small and marginal farmers holding nearly 86 per cent of the total3 . Small holders find it particularly difficult to invest in expensive technologies and other inputs that would improve efficiency. Additionally the existence of a large number of intermediaries across the value chain challenges in access to credit and technology limited sales channels and lack of digital infrastructure have inhibited agricultural potential. science reporter magazine annual subscription

science reporter magazine annual subscription

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