Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe published this article page no  sri lanka is facing one of its worst economic crises that have resulted in widespread protests against the rajapaksa family leaders including pm mahinda rajapaksa and president gotabaya the nation is almost near bankruptcy and it announced recently that it will be temporarily defaulting on all its foreign debts. the shortage of foreign exchange has severely limited imports. sri lanka is unable to pay for even crucial imports including fuel and staple food leading to acute shortage and inflation forcing people to wait in long lines to buy essentials such as food fuel cooking gas and medicine. the massive fuel shortage left the country reeling with recordlong power cuts. the crisis has led people to defy curfew and take to the streets demanding the resignation of president rajapaksa and prime minister mahinda rajapaksa banking service chronicle monthly magazine buy.


Banking service chronicle

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