Thursday, July 28, 2022

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine published this article 6 businesses play a key role in driving social medias impact by contributing significantly to the internet economy via advertising paid services etc. live traffic updates  real time traffic updates and advisories get regularly shared in the metropolitan cities via the local traffic police social media accounts. these updates are helpful to commuters in avoiding traffic jams or taking detours to save time.  page 10  government procurement  the government (as an entity) is the largest producer and buyer of goods and services in the country. now with the advent of etendering these notices are increasingly getting posted on social media channels as well. crowdsourcing ideas & innovation  crowdsourcing is a popular activity on the internet where you get to tap into the collective wisdom of the crowds. citizen servicedelivery apps Shine india monthly magazine buy.

Shine india monthly magazine

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Banking Service Chronicle

 Banking Service Chronicle

BankingService Chronicle Published this article page no 35 we must therefore continue to prioritize water supply if we want to continue transforming india into a more resilient nation.. safe adequate and sustainable drinking water introduction  the almaata declaration on primary health care in 1978 identified the availability of safe water and basic sanitation as essential to achieve the health for all goals by 2000.though countries have not yet achieved this ambitious goal water sanitation and hygiene remain high on the international agenda.  water is lifesaving yet it is also a carrier of pathogens and toxic chemicals which when consumed cause diseases and deaths. diarrheal diseases cholera typhoid polio hepatitis a & e are waterborne diseases. many vectors which transmit diseases like lymphatic filariasis dengue malaria japanese encephalitis etc. breed in water bodies.  water is essential for morbidity management and disability prevention for lymphedema patients (lymphatic filariasis) Banking Service Chronicle buy.

 Banking Service Chronicle

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

sarita magazine

sarita magazine

Get latest issue sarita magazine published this article page no 11 the sewage treatment infrastructure was not designed to fit the city sanitation system and so remained underutilised. rivers remained polluted.  in all this new solutions emerged – if the affordable water supply was critical then cities needed to cut the length of their distribution pipelines which meant an increased focus on local water systems like ponds tanks and rainwater harvesting.  if cities needed to ensure affordable sanitation for all and affordable treatment of wastewater onsite systems could be reengineered so that waste was collected from each household transported and treated Sarita magazine Hindi family magazine subscribe now

sarita magazine

Monday, July 25, 2022

CSR General knowledge Today

CSR General knowledge Today

CSR General knowledge Today Published this article page no 65 abut preventive detentin  preventive detentin is actin t detain a persn taken n grunds f suspicin that sme wrng actins may be dne by the persn cncerned {sectin 151 f the criminal prcedure cde 1973 (crpc)}.article 22 f the indian cnstitutin prvides prtectin against arrest and detentin in certain cases.this article cnfers certain rights t the individual such as the knwledge f grund f arrest right t cnsult and t be defended by a legal practitiner etc.hwever these rights arent granted t an alien r a persn detained under the preventive detentin laws. right t prtest recently the supreme curt bserved that right t prtest f farmers shuld nt hinder traffic r public movement CSR General knowledge Today buy. 

CSR General knowledge Today

Competition Refresher Magazine

Competition Refresher Magazine

Competition Refresher Magazine Published this article page no 43 why does the constitution prohibit reservation based on domicile?as india has common citizenship which gives citizens the liberty to move around freely in any part of the country the requirement of a place of birth or residence cannot be qualifications for granting public employment in any state. subcategorisation of other backward classes why in news? union cabinet has approved an extension of the term of justice rohini commission by six months. guwahati justice rohini commission  union government had constituted a fourmember commission headed by justice g. rohini in 2017 under article 340 with an aim to improve the equitability of sharing of benefits among obcs.  bc is a cllective term used by the gvernment t classify castes which are educatinally r scially disadvantaged (bcs are referred t as scially and educatinally backward classes) Competition Refresher Magazine buy.

Competition Refresher Magazine

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle  Published this article page no 1  the revolts were poorly organised with little coordination. mainland tribal revolt name place of origin events outcome pahariyas (1778) raj mahal hillsbritish expansion on their territory led to an uprising by the martial pahariyas.british were forced to usher in peace by declaring their territory as damnikol area. chuar uprising (also called revolt of the jungle mahal) in midnapore district between 1776 – 1772 and 1795 – 1816.famine enhanced land revenue demands and economic distress forced chuar tribesmen to take up arms.the most significant uprising was under durjan singh in 1798 Banking services chronicle buy.

Banking services chronicle

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle Published this article page no 2 types of sandstones greybluish greyreligious influence mainly buddhistpatron kushana dynastyareas north west frontierfeatures of sculptures spiritual buddha (bearded moustache) wearing less ornaments wavy hair large forehead large ears eyes half closed protuberance on his head Banking services chronicle buy. 

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle Published this article page no 1 miniature sculpture of the buddha was found at alembi in udupi district (karnataka).sculpture made out of soft sandstone looks like a replica of the sarnath buddha.buddha is seated on a lotus pedestal in dharma chakra pravarthana mudra.the sculpture is in the gupta style. gandhara art featuresinfluence greek or hellenistic also called indogreek Banking services chronicle buy.

Banking services chronicle

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no 12 decorative features on wallpillars lions musicians and dancers etc. o also the wheels of temple are depicted on reverse side of 10 rupee note.stones used in the temple chlorite laterite and the greenish khondalite.temple destruction no fixed reason but due to any or a mix of the following reasons most of the structure collapsed in 1837 with only jagamoahan remaining fully intact shine india monthly magazine buy.

shine india monthly magazine

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle Published this article page no 2  bilsarh has been protected since 1928 and was known as an important gupta period site.key finding include two decorative pillars close to one another with human figurines and stairs that led to temple engraved with shankhalipi inscriptions saying sri mahendraditya the title of kumaragupta i of gupta dynasty. o the discovery becomes significant since only two other structural temples from the gupta age have been found so far — dashavatara temple (deogarh) and bhitargaon temple (kanpur dehat). o the etah pillars are wellsculpted better than the earlier examples in which only the lower sections were carved. the decorative pillars and staircase are a bit more advanced than the earlier ones. about gupta period temple architecture Banking services chronicle buy.

Banking services chronicle

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

chemistry today magazine

chemistry today magazine

chemistry today magazine Published this article page no  89 Improved quality of service The quality of service in Indian Railways faces massive criticism especially in the fields of catering and punctuality.  Latest technology The privatization will also help in accommodating the latest technology in railway coaches station facilities online services etc.  Lesser accidents Private ownership is considered synonymous with better maintenance which will reduce the number of accidents thus resulting in safe travel and higher monetary savings in the long run.  Reducing the supply demand deficit Since waitlisted passengers comprise ~15% of the reserved passengers.  Facilitating capacity augmentation as capacity constraints lead to loss of passenger business to other modes such as air travel. Challenges  Natural monopoly Privatization in railways might create a private monopoly which might seek to set higher prices which exploit consumers.  Public interest Given that a private enterprise runs on profit it might hike fares thus rendering the service out of reach for lower income groups.  Coverage Limited to Lucrative Sectors With privatization routes which are less popular could be eliminated thus having a negative impact on connectivity rendering some parts of the country virtually inaccessible chemistry today magazine buy. 

chemistry today magazine

chemistry today magazine

chemistry today magazine

chemistry today magazine Published this article page no   84 ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDING Why in news? National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) recently unveiled the Infrastructure Investment Trust (InvITs) roadmap. More on news  Union Cabinet in December 2019 authorised NHAI to set up InvIT. o The trust enabled the NHAI to monetise completed national highways with toll collection record of at least one year and meet its funding requirements.  Now NHAI will initially raise 1500020000 crore in its maiden InvIT offer and then go for a larger round.  It is part of the governments plans to tap alternative sources of financing to boost public spending in the roads and infrastructure sector amid declining private sector interest in the build operate and transfer model where the entire initial cost is borne by them. 33 Infrastructure Investment Trust (InvITs) for NHAI  These are investment scheme similar to mutual funds that allow investment from individuals and institutional investors in infrastructure projects to earn a portion of the income as return.  NHAIs InvIT will be a trust established under the Indian Trust Act 1882 and Securities and Exchange Board of India (Infrastructure Investment Trusts) Regulations 2014 chemistry today magazine buy.

chemistry today magazine

Monday, July 18, 2022

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no  110 Genetic stereotyping and stigmatization There is the potential that some of these genomic differences may be treated as retarding and mutually exclusive. This leads to stereotyping of populations on lines similar to caste identities.  Medical Ethics The technology can be misused to create designer babies as was done recently by a Chinese scientist. Also burdening people with mutation information can lead them to make lifestyle changes that are not necessary in routine conditions .  Interpretational issues There are very few trained clinicians and genetic counsellors who could interpret the data in meaningful manner and in the best interest of the patient.  Technological errors Even a single base pair false positive error can create huge burden for the individual and community in terms of wrong diagnosis and unnecessary treatment. Conclusion Genome India project embraces scientific technology for the advancement of Indian healthcare ushering India towards the new gold standard of Precision medicine. Policies that can enable the project to work optimally need to be framed to ensure its smooth and sustained functioning. Robust data privacy law and trained genetic clinicians can help take the healthcare system to the next level Shine india monthly magazine buy.

Shine india monthly magazine

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle Published this article page no  55 In 1947 the United Nations voted to split the Palestine between Arabs and Jews. o The Jewish residents accepted the agreement and declared independence of Israel in 1948 while Arabs rejected the agreement. o Consequently the Arab states of Egypt Jordan Iraq and Syria declared war on Israel.  Israel won the war and expanded its territory reducing Palestine to just Gaza strip and West bank & forcing lakhs of Palestinians to flee from Israel.  It was the beginning of this Palestine refugee crisis which ultimately led to the creation of PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) in 1964.  In June 1967 Six day war was fought between Israel and neighboring Arab countries. During this Israel captured Gaza strip Sinai peninsula from Egypt West bank from Jordan and Golan heights from Syria.  UN Security Council then adopted a resolution for Land for peace and it mandated that Israel should return the captured areas back to the defeated nations.  In the light of Israels reluctance to return the captured territories another ArabIsraeli war erupted in 1973 (Yom Kippur war) in which Israel suffered some setbacks. Indias stance on Israel Palestine conflict  India believes in the 2state solution and has maintained a balanced approach. It supports the establishment of a sovereign independent and a viable state of Palestine along with maintaining Indias growing relationship with Israel. 21 o This started the way for the subsequent pe ace process Banking services chronicle buy.  

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle Published this article page no  54 The western wall or the Buraq wall is the ancient limestone wall in this city. It is considered holy due to its connection to the temple mount. o Israeli Jews werent allowed to pray in the temple mount area while Jordan controlled it. Because of the temple mount entry restrictions the wall is the holiest place where the Jews are permitted to pray. Way forward  The real challenge is in judging Chinas legitimate interests how far they must be accommodated and where the line must be drawn. This would prove an arduous task as Beijing will likely reject assessments of its interests.  A more constructive approach to making China comply is to put in place deterrence measures while providing sufficient encouragement so that it eventually recognises the framework of international law and order.  One way of achieving this is through stronger and more dynamic institutional mechanisms. More importantly there should be efforts towards ascertaining areas of common interests which offer scope for China to contribute constructively in order to draw it into the global rulesbased order and leverage it in a beneficial role. ISRAELPALESTINE Why in news? US President Donald Trump unveiled his Middle East peace plan Peace to Prosperity A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People aimed at solving the IsraeliPalestinian conflict. About IsraelPalestine conflict  In 1917 during World War I the British captured Palestine from the Ottoman Empire after the SykesPicot Agreement with France.  Later in the Balfour Declaration Britain pledged establishment of Palestine as national home for Jews.  During World War II over 3 lakh Jews migrated & resettled in Palestine and demanded a new country. This led to fight to fight between Arabs and Jews i.e. Israel Palestine conflict Banking services chronicle buy. 

Banking services chronicle

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no  22 A Gram Nyayalaya is not bound by the rules of evidence provided in the Indian Evidence Act 1872 but is guided by the principles of natural justice and is subject to any rule made by the High Court. o An appeal against a judgement of a criminal case shall be taken to the Court of Session while a civil case appeal shall be taken to District court. Appeals have to be heard and disposed of within six months. o The primary focus of the Gram Nyayalaya is to bring about conciliation between the parties. If any stage that there is a reasonable possibility of a settlement between the parties the proceedings of Gram Nyayalaya shall be adjourned and the matter shall be referred to conciliators. Ineffectiveness of Gram Nyayalaya  Concurrent jurisdiction with regular courts Majority of states have set up regular courts at the taluk level instead of setting up Gram Nyayalayas perhaps with a view to avoid the complexities involved in implementation of a new legislation fresh appointment of Nyayadhikaris and negligible funding from the central government.  Shortage of human resources The progress is affected by nonavailability of judicial officers to function as Gram Nyayadhikaries Nonavailability of notaries stamp vendors etc.  Funds The slow pace of utilisation of funds under the Scheme is mainly due to the lack of proposals from the States for setting up of Gram Nyayalayas. o While some States were facing problem like inadequate amount of Central funds allocation and the acquisition of land for the establishment of Gram Nyayalayas Shine india monthly magazine buy.  

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine  Published this article page no   108 Awareness generation and crowd sourcing by developing a national network of birdwatchers for effective dissemination of information and success stories on bird conservation through citizen science initiatives and electronic media.  Implementing Agencies It will be implemented by different stakeholders including ministries with the Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History (SACON) being the nodal institution for this purpose. Ministry of Environment Forest & Climate Change (MoEFCC) is the focal Ministry. Way Forward It is crucial that this plan is implemented in its spirit given the huge development pressure on the environment ministry. It becomes more important because in the hierarchy of conservation actions birds come well below major species like tigers. HIGHWAYS THROUGH TIGER RESERVES AND UNDERPASSES Why in News? Arunachal Pradesh government is planning to build a highway named EastWest Industrial Corridor which includes a 40km elevated stretch through the core areas of Pakhui or Pakke Tiger Reserve (PTR). Effects of highways on wildlife habitats  Restricts free movement where traffic is high in volume and velocity. This can lead to effective loss of hunting grounds pastures or water sources for animals. They also break canopy connectivity for arboreal animals such as the liontailed macaque. Significance of Bird Conservation  Shine india monthly magazine buy.

Shine india monthly magazine

Friday, July 15, 2022

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle  Published this article page no   102 Resolutions on various measures The first ever report on the Status of Migratory Species presented to CMS COP13 shows that despite some success stories the populations of most migratory species covered by CMS are declining.  Relaunch of the CMS Ambassadors Programme where three CMS Ambassadors  for terrestrial avian and aquatic species were named to help raise awareness about the important work of CMS and the plight of migratory species.  Recognition of Seven Migratory Species Champions including Germany India Italy Monaco Norway the European Commission and the Environment Agency who were acknowledged for their generous contributions to CMS initiatives. Other Related Events in the Conference (CMS CoP 13) Zero Draft of the post2020 global biodiversity framework  The zero draft was made available by the CBD Secretariat which will be further developed in the ongoing process of the OpenEnded Working Group on the post2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. o It highlights that past and ongoing rapid declines in biodiversity ecosystem functions and many of natures contributions to people mean that most international societal and environmental goals such as those embodied in the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development will not be achieved on the basis of current trajectories Banking services chronicle buy. 

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle Published this article page no   103 A new framework based on a theory of change is needed with elements of Resource mobilization Mainstreaming Digital sequence information Sustainable use Capacitybuilding National planning Reporting processes Issues associated with responsibility and transparency Indicators. o The theory of change acknowledges the need for appropriate recognition of gender equality womens empowerment youth genderresponsive approaches and the full and effective participation of indigenous peoples and local communities in the implementation of this framework. o It will be implemented using a rightsbased approach and recognising the principle of intergenerational equity.  The post2020 global biodiversity framework will set out an ambitious plan to implement broadbased action to bring about a transformation in societys relationship with biodiversity and to ensure that by 2050 the shared vision of living in harmony with nature is fulfilled. o In this the CMS would play an important role. Concerted action to conserve Giraffes  Seven African countries including Cameroon Chad Ethiopia Kenya Niger Tanzania and Zimbabwe have proposed a plan of concerted action for conserving giraffes. India and Conservation of Migratory Species  Banking services chronicle buy.

Banking services chronicle

arihant current affairs magazine

arihant current affairs magazine

arihant current affairs magazine Published this article page no  17 Resolve disputes between states Unlike individuals State governments cannot complain of fundamental rights being violated or cannot move to the courts under article 32 (Remedies for enforcement of rights). Therefore the Constitution provides that whenever a State feels that its legal rights are under threat or have been violated it can take the dispute to the Supreme Court. o States have filed such cases under Article 131 against neighbouring States in respect of river water sharing and boundary disputes. Way forward suggested Supreme Court should constitute a larger bench to decide the question whether the suits challenging central laws are maintainable under article 131 or not. In that case if the suits are declared maintainable the same bench may also adjudicate the disputes. OFFICE OF THE SPEAKER AND THE ISSUE OF DEFECTION Why in news? Recently the Supreme Court asked Parliament to amend the Constitution to strip Legislative Assembly Speakers of their exclusive power to decide on the matter of disqualification under the antidefection law. More on news  The court asked Parliament to substitute the speaker of the LokSabha and Legislative Assemblies as arbiter of disputes concerning disqualification under the Tenth Schedule with a permanent tribunal comprising either a retired Supreme Court Judge or a retired Chief Justice of a High Court arihant current affairs magazine buy. 

arihant current affairs magazine

arihant current affairs magazine

arihant current affairs magazine

arihant current affairs magazine Published this article page no  16 The original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court does not extend to o A dispute arising out of any treaty agreement covenant engagement or other similar instrument executed before the commencement of the constitution and continues to be in operation or which provides that the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court shall not extend to such a dispute 5 Additional debate visàvis Article 131 Power to declare a legislation unconstitutional under In 2011 in State of MP v Union of India the Supreme Court held that validity of central laws can be challenged under Article 32 of the Constitution and not under Article 131.  However a 2012 dispute between Bihar and Jharkhand is currently pending for consideration by a larger Bench of the Supreme court whose decision would have a bearing on Courts power to decide the validity of a law under article 131. o disputes relating to the use distribution or control of the water of any interstate river o Suits brought by private individuals against the government of India. Significance of Article 131  Indias quasifederal constitutional structure Intergovernmental disputes are not uncommon therefore the framers of the Constitution expected such differences and added the exclusive original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court for their resolution arihant current affairs magazine buy.  

arihant current affairs magazine

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle  

Banking service chronicle Monthly Magazine by bsc academy-subscribe  Published this article page no  34 Violates constitution As per the Supreme Court privacy is a fundamental right and it can only be deprived in accordance with procedure established by the law. o There is no act passed by the parliament which authorises making this app mandatory  Lack of accountability The app has a clause which limits the governments liability in case of any unauthorised access or modification to the information provided by the user. o This means that there is no liability for the government even if the personal information of users is leaked. o The aggrieved person has only recourse in the form of judiciary if such an act takes place.  Legally unjustified  By limiting the governments liability the app goes against the Information Technology Act and the proposed Personal Data Protection Bill. o The reasons for this is that the app service provider would fall under the definition of an intermediary and is obligated to ensure the security of the data collected and is liable for loss of it under the intermediary guidelines. Government Response  Given the outbreak of COVID19 in the country need of social distancing and contact tracing were the utmost priorities of the government. o Making a detailed policy thinking through the nuances and translating intention to policy takes time which was not available at the time of launching of the app.  Later the Ministry of Electronics and IT (MeitY) has notified Aarogya Setu Data Access and Knowledge Sharing Protocol 2020. Aarogya Setu Data Access and Knowledge Sharing Protocol 2020  Implementation of the Protocol MeitY is designated as the agency responsible for the implementation of this Protocol and its developer the National Informatics Centre shall under this Protocol be responsible for collection processing and managing response data collected by the Aarogya Setu mobile application banking service chronicle monthly magazine buy. 

Banking service chronicle  

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription

pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription

pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription Published this article page no  110 Published this article page no  110Controlling Invasive alien species: Empowers the central government to regulate or prohibit the import, trade, possession or proliferation of invasive alien species. An officer can be authorised to seize and dispose the invasive species. o Invasive alien species refers to plant or animal species which are not native to India and whose introduction may adversely impact wild life or its habitat. New Chapter VB for implementation of CITES: with following provisionso Designation of authorities: The Central government will designate a:Management Authority, which grants export or import permits for trade of scheduled specimensScientific Authority, which gives advice on aspects related to impact on the survival of the specimens being traded. o Identification mark: As per CITES, the Management Authority may use an identification mark for a specimen. Modification or removal of the identification mark is prohibited. o Registration certificate: Person possessing live specimens of scheduled animals must obtain a registration certificate from the Management Authority pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription buy.

pratiyogita darpan hindi magazine subscription

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle Published this article page no  97 Basic tenets of the schemeo Banking the unbanked Opening of basic savings bank deposit (BSBD) account with minimal paperwork relaxed KYC eKYC account opening in camp mode zero balance & zero charges. o Securing the unsecuredIssuance of Indigenous Debit cards for cash withdrawals and payments at merchant locations with free accident insurance coverage of Rs. 2 lakh.  Funding the unfunded Other financial products like microinsurance overdraft for consumption micropension & microcredit. o A minimum monthly remuneration of Rs 5000 to business correspondents who will provide the last link between the account holders and the bank. o One basic savings bank account is opened for unbanked person. o There is no requirement to maintain any minimum balance in PMJDY accounts. o Interest is earned on the deposit in PMJDY accounts.  Extension of PMJDY with New features – The Government decided to extend the comprehensive PMJDY program beyond 28.8.2018 with some modification so Focus shift from Every Household to Every Unbanked Adult. o RuPay Card Insurance Free accidental insurance cover on RuPay cards increased from Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 2 lakh for PMJDY accounts opened after 28.8.2018. o Rupay Debit card is provided to PMJDY account holder. o Enhancement in Overdraft (OD) facilities – Earlier all bank accounts opened under the scheme had an overdraft facility of Rs 5000 for Aadharlinked accounts after satisfactory operation in the account for 6 months. OD limit has now doubled to Rs 10000. o Increase in upper age limit for OD from 60 to 65 years  Operative PMJDY AccountsAs per extant RBI guidelines a PMJDY account is treated as inoperative if there are no customer induced transactions in the account for over a period of two years Banking service chronicle buy. 

Banking service chronicle