Monday, July 18, 2022

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle

Banking services chronicle Published this article page no  55 In 1947 the United Nations voted to split the Palestine between Arabs and Jews. o The Jewish residents accepted the agreement and declared independence of Israel in 1948 while Arabs rejected the agreement. o Consequently the Arab states of Egypt Jordan Iraq and Syria declared war on Israel.  Israel won the war and expanded its territory reducing Palestine to just Gaza strip and West bank & forcing lakhs of Palestinians to flee from Israel.  It was the beginning of this Palestine refugee crisis which ultimately led to the creation of PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) in 1964.  In June 1967 Six day war was fought between Israel and neighboring Arab countries. During this Israel captured Gaza strip Sinai peninsula from Egypt West bank from Jordan and Golan heights from Syria.  UN Security Council then adopted a resolution for Land for peace and it mandated that Israel should return the captured areas back to the defeated nations.  In the light of Israels reluctance to return the captured territories another ArabIsraeli war erupted in 1973 (Yom Kippur war) in which Israel suffered some setbacks. Indias stance on Israel Palestine conflict  India believes in the 2state solution and has maintained a balanced approach. It supports the establishment of a sovereign independent and a viable state of Palestine along with maintaining Indias growing relationship with Israel. 21 o This started the way for the subsequent pe ace process Banking services chronicle buy.  

Banking services chronicle

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