Friday, July 15, 2022

arihant current affairs magazine

arihant current affairs magazine

arihant current affairs magazine Published this article page no  16 The original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court does not extend to o A dispute arising out of any treaty agreement covenant engagement or other similar instrument executed before the commencement of the constitution and continues to be in operation or which provides that the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court shall not extend to such a dispute 5 Additional debate visàvis Article 131 Power to declare a legislation unconstitutional under In 2011 in State of MP v Union of India the Supreme Court held that validity of central laws can be challenged under Article 32 of the Constitution and not under Article 131.  However a 2012 dispute between Bihar and Jharkhand is currently pending for consideration by a larger Bench of the Supreme court whose decision would have a bearing on Courts power to decide the validity of a law under article 131. o disputes relating to the use distribution or control of the water of any interstate river o Suits brought by private individuals against the government of India. Significance of Article 131  Indias quasifederal constitutional structure Intergovernmental disputes are not uncommon therefore the framers of the Constitution expected such differences and added the exclusive original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court for their resolution arihant current affairs magazine buy.  

arihant current affairs magazine

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