Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Banking Service Chronicle

 Banking Service Chronicle

BankingService Chronicle Published this article page no 35 we must therefore continue to prioritize water supply if we want to continue transforming india into a more resilient nation.. safe adequate and sustainable drinking water introduction  the almaata declaration on primary health care in 1978 identified the availability of safe water and basic sanitation as essential to achieve the health for all goals by 2000.though countries have not yet achieved this ambitious goal water sanitation and hygiene remain high on the international agenda.  water is lifesaving yet it is also a carrier of pathogens and toxic chemicals which when consumed cause diseases and deaths. diarrheal diseases cholera typhoid polio hepatitis a & e are waterborne diseases. many vectors which transmit diseases like lymphatic filariasis dengue malaria japanese encephalitis etc. breed in water bodies.  water is essential for morbidity management and disability prevention for lymphedema patients (lymphatic filariasis) Banking Service Chronicle buy.

 Banking Service Chronicle

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