Monday, July 25, 2022

CSR General knowledge Today

CSR General knowledge Today

CSR General knowledge Today Published this article page no 65 abut preventive detentin  preventive detentin is actin t detain a persn taken n grunds f suspicin that sme wrng actins may be dne by the persn cncerned {sectin 151 f the criminal prcedure cde 1973 (crpc)}.article 22 f the indian cnstitutin prvides prtectin against arrest and detentin in certain cases.this article cnfers certain rights t the individual such as the knwledge f grund f arrest right t cnsult and t be defended by a legal practitiner etc.hwever these rights arent granted t an alien r a persn detained under the preventive detentin laws. right t prtest recently the supreme curt bserved that right t prtest f farmers shuld nt hinder traffic r public movement CSR General knowledge Today buy. 

CSR General knowledge Today

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