Monday, July 18, 2022

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no  110 Genetic stereotyping and stigmatization There is the potential that some of these genomic differences may be treated as retarding and mutually exclusive. This leads to stereotyping of populations on lines similar to caste identities.  Medical Ethics The technology can be misused to create designer babies as was done recently by a Chinese scientist. Also burdening people with mutation information can lead them to make lifestyle changes that are not necessary in routine conditions .  Interpretational issues There are very few trained clinicians and genetic counsellors who could interpret the data in meaningful manner and in the best interest of the patient.  Technological errors Even a single base pair false positive error can create huge burden for the individual and community in terms of wrong diagnosis and unnecessary treatment. Conclusion Genome India project embraces scientific technology for the advancement of Indian healthcare ushering India towards the new gold standard of Precision medicine. Policies that can enable the project to work optimally need to be framed to ensure its smooth and sustained functioning. Robust data privacy law and trained genetic clinicians can help take the healthcare system to the next level Shine india monthly magazine buy.

Shine india monthly magazine

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