Tuesday, June 28, 2022

arihant current affairs magazine

arihant current affairs magazine 

arihant current affairs magazine Published this article page no 12  Proneness to cyclones India has a coastline of 7516 km of which 5700 km are prone to cyclones of various degrees. o About 8% of the Countrys area and onethird of its population live in 13 coastal states and UTs who are thus vulnerable to cyclone related disasters.  Loss due to cyclones Loss of lives livelihood opportunities damage to public and private property and severe damage to infrastructure are the resultant consequences which can disrupt the process of development.  Climate change Climate change and the resultant sealevel rise is also likely to exacerbate the seriousness of this problem in the coming decades. Cyclone Management in India  Institutional Framework in India o National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) It is apex body for disaster management headed by the Prime Minister. It has responsibility of formulating National Guidelines for Management of Cyclones. o India Metereological Department (IMD) It is the nodal agency for providing cyclone warning services and communicate cyclone warnings from IMD to communities and important officials in affected areas.  National Guidelines for the Management of Cyclones These guidelines have been evolved due to paradigm shift from earlier rescue and relief centric approach to holistic approach. They demarcate structural and nonstructural measures for cyclone management. o Non – Structural Measures  Early Warning Systems It consists of Automatic Weather Stations Doppler radars High Wind Speed Recorders Ocean buoys Unmanned Aerial Vehicles etc. They provide critical information for tracking and forecasting intensity of cyclones arihant current affairs magazine buy. 

arihant current affairs magazine 

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