Monday, June 20, 2022

world focus magazine

world focus magazine

world focus magazine Published this article page no  83 The aggravating circumstances included the manner in which the crime was committed motive for committing the crime severity of the crime and the victim of the crime. The mitigating circumstances consisted of the possibility of reformation and rehabilitation of an accused his mental health and his antecedents. What has the Court said on prolonging death sentences and review petitions? In 2014 the Supreme Court ruled that unexplained delay in execution was a ground for commutation of death penalty and an inmate his or her kin or even a publicspirited citizen could file a writ petition seeking such commutation. It held that prolonging execution of death sentence has a dehumanising effect on condemned prisoners who have to face the agony of waiting for years under the shadow of death during the pendency of their mercy plea. An inordinate delay would certainly have an agonising effects on their body and mind. In the same year a Constitution bench also held that a review petition by a deathrow convict will be heard by a threejudge bench in open court. Such cases were earlier being considered by twojudge benches in the judges chamber without any oral arguments. Challenges ahead The enormity of the task before the Supreme Court is captured by the fact that trial courts in India have already sentenced more than 50 people to death in 2022 and often in violation of procedural and substantive laws. It is not going to be easy for the Supreme Court to bring about a balance of fairness and consistency in death penalty sentencing across courts in India but the fact that the court has chosen to address it headon is certainly noteworthy and worthy of our appreciation. Insta Curious Project 39A is a criminal justice research and legal aid program at National Law University Delhi that has worked extensively in death penalty cases. InstaLinks Prelims Link 1. Various benches of the Supreme Court. 2. Law commission composition objectives and functions. 3. Appeals against capital punishment. 4. Presidents pardoning powers. 5. Relevant Supreme Court judgements. What is Collective conscience? How does it influence the judgments of courts? Discuss 2. Criminal justice reforms Context Aiming to make comprehensive changes in criminal laws the government has initiated the process of amendment to laws such as Indian Penal Code the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Indian Evidence Act in consultation with all stakeholders. Suggestions invited The Ministry of Home Affairs has sought suggestions from Governors Chief Ministers Lieutenant Governors and Administrators of Union Territories Chief Justice of India Chief Justices of various High Courts Bar Council37of India Bar Council of various States various universities law institutes and all MPs regarding comprehensive amendments in criminal laws world focus magazine buy.

world focus magazine

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